Gillian Shaw is a channel and intuitive guide, assisting people to create real transformation in their lives. Driven by a conviction that every one of us has an equal capacity for Greatness and limitless abilities, the Masters she channels lay down a practical and grounded path to unlocking that potential in all of us.

Gillian was, by her own admission, not just “asleep” in terms of spiritual awareness, but in a coma before her abrupt awakening by the visitation of Emanuel (Jesus the Christ) at the foot of her bed in September of 2011. Such a dramatic and profound event blew her known world apart and since then Emanuel has walked closely beside her, pouring wisdom teachings and spiritual truths in and through her in a compelling, yet simple, unique style. These teachings make profound spiritual concepts real, accessible and understandable for everyone who seeks peace and happiness in today’s chaotic and busy world.

In March of 2020 and after moving from Scotland, UK to Washington, US it was revealed to Gillian that Emanuel is overseen by a collective of 12 “Masters” who are responsible for the Great Plan to return humanity to Christ Consciousness. These Masters are ascended celestial Beings who have lived lifetimes on Earth and have transcended or “Mastered” this reality. It is their greatest service to reach their hands out to those of us walking the same path, to offer unconditional Love, guidance, wisdom and inspiration delivered through Gillian with transformative energies that truly assist in elevating our consciousness and transforming our lives.

Read more about Lord Emanuel & the Collective