Mariana Stjerna

Mariana Stjerna (March 25th 1921 – May 4th 2023) is a highly respected Swedish channel and authoress of spiritual books. She was born in Stockholm and already since childhood she was psychic and had a deep feeling for nature and elementals.

Mariana grew up in a wealthy family as the daughter of a porcelain wholesaler in a big house on the outskirts of Stockholm. She had a good relation to her father while her mother was rather strict and protective.

Mariana was educated in the French School and she was talented in several languages. Due to these talents, she was advised to become a language teacher and later on she also held classes in spiritual development and wisdom. Mariana was married 3 times during her lifetime and she had 2 wonderful daughters with her first husband.

When she was younger Mariana had a dream to become an artist, but this dream never came true. Instead, she started to write spiritual novels and she never regretted this decision.

Many years ago Mariana was sitting in her study, writing a letter to a friend. Suddenly she heard a voice saying loudly, “Stop that! Listen to me!” When she looked up, she saw a tall man standing behind her typewriter smiling at her. He was there only for a short moment, but she saw him very clearly. She also recognized his face, but it took her some time to find out who he was. His name was Jan Fridegård, a very famous Swedish writer who had passed over during the late 60’s. She had never been interested in his books, but she had seen him now and then in her youth when she went to a well-known café for artists in Stockholm. Jan went on talking to her and he became Mariana’s source of inspiration in years to come.

In total Mariana has released 18 Swedish book titles both for adults and children between the years 1984 and 2012. During her writing career Mariana has always been a forerunner. In her five internationally released spiritual novels inspired by Jan Fridegård (On Angels’ Wings, Time Journey to the Origin and the Future, The Bible Bluff, The Invisible People and Mission Space) ancient knowledge and wisdoms are revealed in an entertaining and effortless style. The paradigm-breaking and thought-provoking novel Agartha – The Earth’s Inner World, inspired by the former Canadian Timothy Brooke, is maybe the best example of Mariana’s writing at its finest.

Jan Fridegård

Jan Fridegård, born Johan Fridolf “Fride” Johansson (June 14th 1897 – September 8th 1968), is a well-known Swedish author of the proletarian school.

Jan grew up in a simple dwelling for day laborers (so called “statarhem”) at Katrinedal’s estate outside of Enköping, Sweden. The breaking up from the poor farm labour society was made via recruitment in the Swedish army. The penalism culture and the harsh environment soon made him leave the military.

After periods of unemployment, odd jobs and a short prison stay he realized his ambition as a writer and made his debut with One Night in July (1933). His autobiographical novel trilogy about Lars Hård is perhaps his finest work. The death of his father aroused a latent interest in the supernatural, which came to be reflected in The Tower Rooster (1941).

Mariana Stjerna’s books inspired by Jan Fridegård:

  • On Angels’ Wings
  • Time Journey to the Origin and the Future
  • The Bible Bluff
  • The Invisible People
  • Mission Space