A Message from the Masters

November 25, 2024

Dear and Precious One,

Are you excited about your life? Do you wake up in the morning feeling ready to meet a wonderful day filled with opportunity?

Or, does it take only a few seconds before you have a stressful thought on meeting a new day?

Dear One, the minute you wake up is the minute You are here. If you can, take a breath and put some space between You and the stream of thoughts that, if you attach to them, will separate you from You before you even get out of bed, setting yourself up for the same patterns of limitation that you are here to overcome.

Stay focused on your breath. We invite you to remember The Lord’s Prayer, as we have previously given it to you. Say that to yourself or out loud. FEEL the meaning and the power of the words in your heart. Breathe into your heart a few times and wait for the well Being that is You come flooding into you.

Leave your bed and walk into your day that will now be very different from the one you would have had, had you not taken the time to be Present.

And the life you are perhaps not so excited about? What is it about it that is displeasing to you, or you find stressful? Take a look at that. How much of what you do, do you do because you were told that’s what you should do? At what point in your life did you decide that doing what you do is what you have to do, and why did you conclude that?

You are in a time of much chaos and collective fear that is serving you by pressurizing you emotionally. It is getting harder to hold it all together in order to squeeze you into asking yourself, “why am I doing this?”.

This is the best question you could be asking yourself right now.

Answer with your impeccable honesty. Look deeper into your motivation behind why you do what you do in every daily task. Find the value and truth in every action, no matter how small. Have the courage to make the changes that are within your control and have the wisdom to leave alone that which is not wise to change and find a better mindset with which to keep doing what, on the surface, might not seem to serve you.

Everything in your reality is serving you one way or another.

Let us assist you to see that.

Come join us. It is our greatest pleasure to serve You.

Lord Emanuel & The Collective channeled through Gillian Shaw 2024-11-16

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