Gillian Shaw is a channel and intuitive guide, assisting people to create real transformation in their lives. Driven by a conviction that every one of us has an equal capacity for Greatness and limitless abilities, the Masters she channels lay down a practical and grounded path to unlocking that potential in all of us.
Gillian was, by her own admission, not just “asleep” in terms of spiritual awareness, but in a coma before her abrupt awakening by the Visitation of Emanuel (Jesus the Christ) at the foot of her bed in September of 2011. Such a dramatic and profound event blew her known world apart and since then Emauel has walked closely beside her, pouring wisdom teachings and spiritual truths in and through her in a compelling, yet simple, unique style. These teachings make profound spiritual concepts real, accessible and understandable for everyone who seeks peace and happiness in today’s chaotic and busy world.
Opening message
[Lord Emanuel]: Greetings, Dear Ones. I am here already. I’ve been waiting very patiently. I am so overly delighted to be here. We cannot fathom, we cannot explain this enough to you, how valuable this kind of interaction is now and how much we appreciate the time that we have with you in this way. Dear Ones, let me make it clear to you that you can have this connection on your own. We must make this very clear. However, many of you have interference from your ego voices. Many of you deflect the communications of higher beings. You dismiss this as imaginations and you doubt yourself. So, your individual connection can be corrupted and so in this way we have a more direct communication channel with you. Does this make sense to you? But we wish to make it clear. You can do this on your own and indeed you must strive to do this on your own, that you may have your own connection to the intelligence that is always available to you.
Having said that, this is truly an honor. My name is Emanuel and I am here with all that would speak in my name. And by this I mean that on the other side of the veil, for one of a better way to say it, we are not individual. We have individual awareness, but we operate in collectives. This is a rather large collective. It is very difficult for us to fully impart in a way that your human mind can comprehend, but we are a collective of Twelve plus what you would call Emanuel. And each of the Twelve, you would call beings of light, are also a collective and they represent the star systems of your galaxy. Please, do not get too concerned with the understanding of this. But I wish to be clear, there are many streams of intelligence beaming through to you now, but they are all responsible for the lifetime of Jesus the Christ who speaks to you now and they are all responsible for the shift, for the evolution of human consciousness and the shift we are in right now. They are the overseers, they are the architects of this shift.
We have communicated to your planet in unfathomable ways. In countless ways we have communicated the truth to this planet. We have done this in every culture. We have done this across every age. You have always had assistance from us to guide you, to hand you the truth of your existence and it has been taken on in many forms. It has also been lost for a long time, deliberately hidden so that you may fall deeper into the darkness. But it’s time now for the truth to be resurrected, polished off, reiterated for now. Much of the scriptures of the past in every religion, in every culture have either been lost or misunderstood, deliberately or undeliberately. And so we now sit in a soup of confusion and we are here to return the truth straight to you. Now is the time that the truth becomes clear, the truth becomes obvious and the truth is delivered in a way that is understood by the modern world today. The truth is the truth. It has always been the same. It can be said in a myriad of ways and it is said in a myriad of ways in order to be received by that which is hearing it. So, the words may be different, but the frequency of the truth is the same. It always is the same and you know it when you hear it.
Dear Ones, we implore you to start to be really clear now with your ability to discern the truth. Your world is descending into a state of absolute confusion where the average person does not know what the truth is. This is a very deliberate and very, shall we say, necessary step. It’s a very difficult one, but it’s very necessary. It is necessary for the human race to understand that you’ve never really known. Nobody can ever really know anything except the truth. The truth has a ring, it has a frequency, it has an unmistakable ring to it. And we ask you, now is the time where you, sensitive ones, the ones you would call light bearers, you would call light workers – there are many names we have given you and you have given yourselves – but you, – and you are sitting in front of me now and how humbled I am to be in such company – you are the bearers of truth. Now what does this mean? This means you have ability far greater than the average person to hear and sense the truth. This may have been a challenge in your life. In fact, we know it’s been a challenge in your life up till now. Up till now, being able to sense the truth is nothing but a nuisance because your world is not based in truth. Your conversations are not based in truth. Your laws, your very fabric of your society does not build its foundation in the truth. Therefore, it’s very difficult to navigate the world when you are as sensitive to the truth as you are. And, Dear Ones, this is the sacrifice that you made coming here knowing that this would be extremely challenging. For when you know the truth it is often difficult to sit even in the company of good people, not even talking about people who are not good or may behave in a way you do not. I am talking about just normal conversation is a challenge for those who are sensitive to the truth. There’s a rude saying that is coming…, we will keep it clean, but you can smell something in the air when it’s not true. And this is uncomfortable because even the truth, we are talking about just the ordinary, the day-to-day. Why do people not speak the truth? Because they are living a lie.