Gillian Shaw is a channel and intuitive guide, assisting people to create real transformation in their lives. Driven by a conviction that every one of us has an equal capacity for Greatness and limitless abilities, the Masters she channels lay down a practical and grounded path to unlocking that potential in all of us.
Gillian was, by her own admission, not just “asleep” in terms of spiritual awareness, but in a coma before her abrupt awakening by the Visitation of Emanuel (Jesus the Christ) at the foot of her bed in September of 2011. Such a dramatic and profound event blew her known world apart and since then Emauel has walked closely beside her, pouring wisdom teachings and spiritual truths in and through her in a compelling, yet simple, unique style. These teachings make profound spiritual concepts real, accessible and understandable for everyone who seeks peace and happiness in today’s chaotic and busy world.
Opening message
[Lord Emanuel]: Greetings Dear Ones, it is I, Emanuel, and the Twelve that would speak in my name, come to be with you again this day. And as ever, it’s our pleasure and such a joy to be with you in this format, in this way. It is so unique for us to have this opportunity to speak with you in this way and we make the most of every minute we have. Thank you for coming again. We deeply appreciate your presence and we do not wish you to underestimate the importance of your presence.
These words which we speak are so needed now, needed now more than ever, for we take a different approach to what you’ve heard in the past. We do not wish to sugarcoat what we have to say to you anymore. You are grown up enough. You are ready to hear perhaps more straight truth than you have heard before. Humanity is very sensitive, humanity is very vulnerable and we have to caution what we say with that in mind. But as the days and months and years progress, you have become more robust as you have been squeezed through many, many experiences that have taught you many lessons. And now you’re ready to hear a more robust truth about what you must do in your daily lives to bring Heaven to Earth. No one, and we would repeat, no one else is going to do this for you. This is an individual journey and though your collective experience, your contribution to the collective, is what creates your greater reality and you are One, and therefore group coming together to meditate is very valuable, ultimately, the journey is your own. And this must come first. Your life, your individual life must come first, meaning if your life is less than Heaven on Earth, then you have work to do, my Dear friends, you have work still to do.
You have been put through many experiences that must by now be dawning on you that you are the only ones that can make the change that you are looking for outside of yourself. This is the only way. Well, let’s be honest, it’s not the only way. It’s the only way left to you now. As we have put words to in the past, we have assisted humanity from the beginning of time. In all different forms and different guises you have always had the assistance of the divine or higher realms. Beings with greater intelligence or access to greater intelligence than yourselves have visited you in many different ways through this kind of communication and through direct communication all through the ages to guide you, to give you what you need to know about who you truly are. And we have learned much from the past. We make our own mistakes in thinking what is going to work. Let’s put that in simple words. We have learned from our many interfaces with you what you are capable of hearing, what works and what does not work.
And it doesn’t take a genius to notice that human beings do not handle the truth very well. It has been project after project that has failed upon your planet to assist you to wake up to who you are. Unfortunately, the egoic agenda, the ego of the human mind is so strong – you have fallen into fairly deep, deep waters – it is so strong that any truth that is given, is always given to people who can understand it and do understand it. But in the imparting of that knowledge, it is taken by others and misused, misrepresented, and we don’t need to go into details about the many, many cults that have arisen from the truth, that distort the truth to deceive the people for their own gain. This has happened time and time again upon your planet and now it is time for you all to grow up and out and beyond this – and you can, and you will.
The superstitious cloud that religion has placed upon your consciousness will be broken. The spell of the church and the power it has over you, that spell is already breaking down, but still it lingers in your consciousness that the church is to be feared, that God is to be feared. This is going to go. It has to go for you to break through the mysticism and the superstition that you have shrouded the truth in. There is no great mystery other than The Great Mystery, meaning the truth is the truth and it is not complicated. The only great mystery is that of All There Is and that will always remain a great mystery, but the truth is the truth and it’s simple: You are a child of God. This means you are a fragment of the Creator. Each and every one of you has this within you. That means you have all the creative power of the Creator. And the reason you cannot accept this as truth and you will not stand in your power, is the ego has a grip so tight that you cannot imagine that you are that. So lost is that to you that you cannot stand up in that truth because you can’t believe it, really deep down, to be true. And there’s a very good reason for that. As we’ve spoken to before, your human vessel, your vehicle is designed to be programmed for the experience you are here to have. This happens before the age of six or seven. You are programmed by your parents and those around you. Your culture, everything that happens to you is telling you how life is on this planet and you take that on verbatim and your ego is formed.
Now, those of you who are listening, even those of you who had wonderful parents, they still did not really know that they were the Creator and so they passed that to you. No matter how good your parenting was, that information would not have been passed to you. And so, no matter how good or how bad your childhood, you grow up in separation not knowing that you are in fact God in Form and there is no separation. That is an illusion and a game that everyone is collectively agreeing to play.