Gillian Shaw is a channel and intuitive guide, assisting people to create real transformation in their lives. Driven by a conviction that every one of us has an equal capacity for Greatness and limitless abilities, the Masters she channels lay down a practical and grounded path to unlocking that potential in all of us.
Gillian was, by her own admission, not just “asleep” in terms of spiritual awareness, but in a coma before her abrupt awakening by the Visitation of Emanuel (Jesus the Christ) at the foot of her bed in September of 2011. Such a dramatic and profound event blew her known world apart and since then Emauel has walked closely beside her, pouring wisdom teachings and spiritual truths in and through her in a compelling, yet simple, unique style. These teachings make profound spiritual concepts real, accessible and understandable for everyone who seeks peace and happiness in today’s chaotic and busy world.
Opening message
[Lord Emanuel]: Greetings, Dear Ones. It is I, Emanuel, and all that would speak in my name, come to be with you again this day. And “All that would speak in my name”, in the most simplistic terms that we can say it to you, is a collection of 12 light beings who in and of themselves are also collectives. Very difficult for your human minds that are set for limitation to understand the complex nature of what we simply say are 12. “That would speak in my name” means the 12 representatives are here on behalf of the transition of humanity from duality consciousness to Christ consciousness, which of course Emanuel lived a life to bring forth to this planet. He was part of this great plan of which we orchestrate now and forever on your planet.
This message is timeless. It will reach your ears when you need to hear it and for today we address those who are present. And as always, we are deeply, deeply grateful for this opportunity, for our voice to be heard through a human channel. There is no better way to get our message to you in the clearest way possible. And we will say this almost every time: You are capable of your own connection to the truth of who you are and All There Is. However, you are still in your infancy when it comes to spiritual growth and you need to hear these words through a human channel that we may get to you, meaning your mental busyness, even with the most advanced spiritual aspirants, is still noisy. It’s still noisy and this is not the biggest problem – we can get through. However, as we have covered in many previous webinars, the biggest problem is that your human ego, that which has been set up to give you your experience of limitation, will diminish the voice in your head that is God. It will play it down, it will twist what happened, what was said, and eventually the message, the feeling, the energy dissipates. It is dissipated by yourself, by your egoic nature that does not want you to step into your greatness. And this is not a negative thing. Your ego, as we have said before, is not out to get you. It just feels like that. Your ego is innocently doing its job, which is to give you an experience of limitation. This is the human experience in duality consciousness.
We are shifting from that. You are evolving, growing up – it’s time now – into what we call Unity consciousness or Christ consciousness. Unity, Oneness, stepping out of your limitation and realizing you are One with All. In truth, it is never gone but your illusion, your ego, is so well designed that the imagined, limited reality that you live in is so real to you. So real that, in fact, you have forgotten who you are and most of you have forgotten what you came here to do. Not those in front of us now. You are well aware that you are light bearers, that you are upon this planet to raise the frequency of the collective consciousness. And you do that by just being here. That is enough. However, as you take your steps to personal evolvement as you walk along your spiritual journey and your light gets brighter and stronger, you then contribute, not passively but very actively, to the evolvement of your entire species.
For you are One in consciousness and this is an evolution of consciousness. It’s not a biological evolution and in human terms it has never been a biological evolution. You are unique on this planet as a species. You did not evolve. You were created as you are right now. Nothing has changed biologically speaking. This is an evolution of consciousness and for the human species evolution is always about consciousness, and in very simple terms, this is how you think. And you will all know that the forces that control this planet control the way you think. This is what’s important, this is how a species thrives or doesn’t – it’s how you think. And your contribution to the consciousness of the collective is important. As you advance yourself, you contribute to the collective consciousness. This is what has to shift. It is not the external circumstances on the ground that need to change. Those change automatically once the consciousness of the collective has shifted. Your problems will disappear, perhaps not overnight, but very, very quickly. Insurmountable problems that you lose sleep over right now will go very quickly once the consciousness of the people shifts. And when we say shift, we mean from duality, limitation, living from the egoic nature, shifting into your greatness, living as your God Self on Earth. You are inspired to make decisions for the greater good of All and you will receive genius wisdom in whatever field you are here to contribute to. Ideas will come to you that have never been heard before on your planet. You will come together to solve the problems – and they are not problems, we spoke to this last time. They become stimulation for your greatness. Your problems are not even seen as problems. They are exciting things to stimulate your connection to All There Is, because All There Is knows everything. You ask a question – the answer will come. And when you are connected to your God Self, the answer is always the highest intelligence for the highest good of All – always.