Gillian Shaw is a channel and intuitive guide, assisting people to create real transformation in their lives. Driven by a conviction that every one of us has an equal capacity for Greatness and limitless abilities, the Masters she channels lay down a practical and grounded path to unlocking that potential in all of us.
Gillian was, by her own admission, not just “asleep” in terms of spiritual awareness, but in a coma before her abrupt awakening by the Visitation of Emanuel (Jesus the Christ) at the foot of her bed in September of 2011. Such a dramatic and profound event blew her known world apart and since then Emauel has walked closely beside her, pouring wisdom teachings and spiritual truths in and through her in a compelling, yet simple, unique style. These teachings make profound spiritual concepts real, accessible and understandable for everyone who seeks peace and happiness in today’s chaotic and busy world.
Opening message
[Lord Emanuel]: Dear Ones, It is I, Emanuel, come to be with you this day, and with all that would speak in my name. I sit before you to serve you and as always the pleasure is all mine. Thank you. Thank you for being here. Thank you for walking the journey you have walked so far. Again, we honor you, we thank you and we are here to serve you.
If you would take a moment… just to be still… and breathe… until you can sense our presence… and know that we are wrapped around you with the deepest Love.
Such a long journey. For some longer than others here in this lifetime. And we know that you can get weary on this journey, so very weary, and sometimes you ask: “Why? Why is this so hard? Why can’t we feel you more often? What is all this about? Can we go home now?” For you do remember home. Each and every one of you knows what it is to be home and you long to be there. And Dear Ones, often this longing is misused and let me explain.
The wounding, the pain and the hurt that arises from believing that you’re not home is a very deliberate and useful tool in your adventures in separation. I call it an adventure, but we are aware that very few human beings really embrace this adventure. More often than not, you stumble through in the dark and this is why we are here. We wish to illuminate the darkness for you, that you do not have to stumble, that you can walk with your own light guiding you. Your own light guiding you. But we come now and again to illuminate your path and this morning let us illuminate your path.
This is meant to be an adventure, an exciting, thrilling adventure. And to be fully immersed in this adventure, you must believe you are a person. And a very, very necessary mechanism to develop your sense of person, you have to believe you are a person. To be a person is to be individual. To be a person is to be alone.
Dear Ones, you all know where you come from. The longing in your heart to be home is the comfort of home. And to believe that you are not home sets up a pain, a wounding in you that compels you, compels you to find your way back. Does this make sense, Dear Ones? Do you understand? The individual creation is to serve you in this adventure. And the resulting wounding, the resultant pain, when you find your way in this world as a young child, you learn that things are not quite like home.
For instance, you very quickly understand that your mother may not love you in a whole sense – not whole. Your mother’s love may be conditional and this is very alarming for a young soul to understand, to realize the very person who’s here to give you life may have bad days. You see, your Creator never has bad days. This is not normal for you and you have to make sense of this world that is conditional. You have a matter of survival at stake and this sets up an anxiety and a wounding in you and this is across the board, Dear Ones. Everybody has this experience. Nobody’s parents were perfect. We all make mistakes and this sets up a wounding and a hurt that then compels you as an adult to find your way home.
Now, herein lies the problem. So many of you, too many of you, do not cross the threshold from childhood to adulthood. You do not embrace the adventure, for the wounding is too strong in childhood, the pain is too great. And instead of using that pain to compel you to find your way home within your lifetime, you remain stuck as the wounded child. And that pain compels you to want to leave rather than compelling you to want to find your home right here. And this is what you are here to do. You are here to create Heaven on Earth. You know this. You have heard this before. But it’s no use to you if you do not know how. And many of you do not know how and you look to others, you look to us, you look to other beings not of your world, you look to knowledge, you look everywhere except where you will find it – within you.
But we know you also know this and it’s only going to help you if you understand what it actually means. To create Heaven on Earth is to know that you never left home. You just imagined it. And the adventure is here. It’s open to you right now when you understand that you are a powerful Creator believing you are an individual.
You pass through the great forgetting when you are born and you come into your body and you believe you’re a limited human being. Dear Ones, this is a very childlike state and you are meant to grow beyond it. But the fear that is perpetuated in the world, the lack of teaching that is available to you, you do not know this, you are not taught this. And therefore you remain as a frightened, wounded child throughout your entire life and you stumble in the dark looking for home everywhere except within yourself.