Gillian Shaw is a channel and intuitive guide, assisting people to create real transformation in their lives. Driven by a conviction that every one of us has an equal capacity for Greatness and limitless abilities, the Masters she channels lay down a practical and grounded path to unlocking that potential in all of us.
Gillian was, by her own admission, not just “asleep” in terms of spiritual awareness, but in a coma before her abrupt awakening by the Visitation of Emanuel (Jesus the Christ) at the foot of her bed in September of 2011. Such a dramatic and profound event blew her known world apart and since then Emauel has walked closely beside her, pouring wisdom teachings and spiritual truths in and through her in a compelling, yet simple, unique style. These teachings make profound spiritual concepts real, accessible and understandable for everyone who seeks peace and happiness in today’s chaotic and busy world.
Opening message
[Lord Emanuel]: Greetings, Dear Ones. It is I, Emanuel, and all that would speak in my name, come to be with you again this day. And as always it is our greatest service and our greatest joy to be with you in whatever capacity you are with us. Here in front of us or watching this later or listening to these words. However you come across them, we address you all personally, for we are with you personally. There is no time and space. This is an illusion, a concept, a construct to give you the experience that you are having. But in reality there is no time and space, which is what allows us to be with you always, whether you are aware or not. And many of you are not aware most of the time, and that is okay, for we are with you anyway, and I am with you always.
And so, we really enjoy this time because we have your focus, we have your attention. Because during your day, as you move through your lives, many of you still have very busy minds and you have busy lives. And the chatter in your head means that you are not available for us and we have to be very loud to get your attention. But here you could hear a pin drop and we have the ability to speak directly to you and we value this so very much.
Thank you for being here. You were called to be here and in being here you are of the greatest service to yourself and to everyone who would listen. So please, take a moment to thank yourself as we thank you. Acknowledge your greatness, for it was your greatness that chose to be here. And Dear Ones, making a choice for your greatness is very, very important.
As we have spoken into before, as a human being having a human experience on this planet, you do have two aspects of yourself that have become one to give you a convincing experience of separation. Separation being to believe that you are not One with all of Creation. You are having an experience of imagining you are not that and this sets up a dual consciousness within you. We have spoken into this before and we wish to assist you in your path out. Your path out being the path away from suffering, the path home to your true nature and to your real Self, your Eternal Self, your God Self that does not know suffering, that cannot suffer and that is immensely powerful to create whatever it desires.
Dear Ones, one of the ways home, each footstep home, is every time you make a choice for your greatness. You have all done this today. We applaud you and we invite you to not underestimate the significance of such choices. For in making this choice, you make a loud declaration to the Universe and to your own subconscious mind that you choose greatness. You choose your God Self. You choose to do something different than be in your limited self.
Every time you make a choice to be kind, when you feel the opposite, you choose greatness. Every time you choose compassion and you choose to understand another person’s point of view even when it’s not your own, you’re choosing your greatness. Every time you choose Love, you choose your greatness. And it is a choice. You do have a choice and unfortunately, the deeper the grip that duality has on you, the more immersed in your experience you are, the less it feels like you have a choice. If you speak to one who is completely asleep to their situation, if you speak to one who is entrenched in the experience of duality, they will tell you in full… in the most convincing way possible, they will tell you they have no choice.
We always have a choice. And for you, Dear Ones, in front of us now the grip of duality is loosened enough on you that you can make choices and you have made one very big choice this morning, today, this evening, wherever you are, to be here now.
Dear Ones, one of the purposes that we come to you is to invite you to see another perspective. We invite you to see a different perspective of yourself and here is one such instance. We invite you to see that is so significant that you are here right now. You would think it, ”Oh, I’m just interested and it feels good and I enjoy the messages…” and you understand the higher purpose, but you do not appreciate yourself for the choices you make. You do not understand the gravity of your choice. It is not… ”normal” – is the best word we can use. Hang on, we can get a better word than that… You are rare in your choice this morning. You are not in great numbers right now. The leading edge is never crowded.
So please, just take a moment with us. Know that we are with you. I am with you. Feel my embrace. Feel the Love and appreciation that exists for you in every molecule of air that you breathe. Breathe it now… and feel yourself as we feel you… magnificent, truly… For to overcome the things you have overcome, to be sitting where you are sitting right now is remarkable. You are remarkable. And you go about your day having other thoughts about yourselves, ”I’m not good enough. I could have done that better” and on and on it goes.