By: Gillian Shaw (Author)

E-book: Messages from the Masters – Episode 4 – You are a Creating Machine

Publisher: SoulLink Publisher, Sweden
This E-book ”Message From the Masters – Episode 4 – You are a Creating Machine” is a transcript of a webinar recorded 2020-11-01 with Lord Emanuel & The Collective channeled through Gillian Shaw. Number of pages: 22
Language: 🇬🇧 English

Transcript on Patreon

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Gillian Shaw is a channel and intuitive guide, assisting people to create real transformation in their lives. Driven by a conviction that every one of us has an equal capacity for Greatness and limitless abilities, the Masters she channels lay down a practical and grounded path to unlocking that potential in all of us.

Gillian was, by her own admission, not just “asleep” in terms of spiritual awareness, but in a coma before her abrupt awakening by the Visitation of Emanuel (Jesus the Christ) at the foot of her bed in September of 2011. Such a dramatic and profound event blew her known world apart and since then Emauel has walked closely beside her, pouring wisdom teachings and spiritual truths in and through her in a compelling, yet simple, unique style. These teachings make profound spiritual concepts real, accessible and understandable for everyone who seeks peace and happiness in today’s chaotic and busy world.

This E-book ”Message From the Masters – Episode 4 – You are a Creating Machine” is a transcript of a webinar recorded 2020-11-01 with Lord Emanuel & The Collective channeled through Gillian Shaw. Number of pages: 22


Opening message

[Lord Emanuel]: Greetings, Dear Ones. It is I, Emanuel, come again to be with you this day. It is I, Emanuel, and the Collective that would speak in my name. And to clarify, this is a collective, representatives of star systems that would be… For your mind to comprehend, you can think of it as 12 light beings forming a collective that would speak through the name of Emanuel. We have spoken to this before. It is a little bit of a challenge for your minds to comprehend. So we simplify it to say, think of it as 12 intelligent collectives in their own right that represent the star systems of your Universe that govern this Universe and therefore co-create it with you.

There has been a plan in place for this planet, as you know, for eons of time. We are the Collective that oversees, manages and directs your planet’s course. We work with you. Think of yourselves as foot soldiers on the ground. You are our conduits on Earth, that you facilitate the unfolding of this great plan to return humanity to Christ consciousness. We talk through the name Emanuel as we were the orchestrators of that lifetime of that individual who is now a powerful deity in your consciousness and therefore has some, what we would call, authority to speak to you. Your hearts are open to this deity and he really is here with you now, but we are a collective and we are overjoyed to have this opportunity to be with you and to speak to you personally this day.

What a joy it is for us because you walk this Earth with no real knowing of who you really are. And if you did know… You know, this is by design. If you did know, you would have what we would call swollen heads. You would probably be not very pleasant to know because you would have rather an inflated opinion of yourself. The human ego is built into your system by design so that you may have this experience on Earth as a limited individual. It is time to evolve beyond limitation. This is the culmination of the great plan where we shift humanity from a limited existence to a God existence, a God-like existence in form on Earth. All of you are very familiar with this. There are an infinite number of intelligences beaming this information to those who can receive it.

But you are here with us today and there is a very good reason for that. All of you who sit in front of me now and everyone who will listen to this in the future is specifically guided by this Collective and you have all lived many, many, many lifetimes serving this cause. You know this in your hearts. All of you know this in your hearts. Every lifetime you’ve had on Earth has been in service to the light. It is who you are. It does make you different from those who slumber, but it doesn’t make you… Let me slow down… You are different and you are incredibly special because of the number of lifetimes you have lived in service to this cause, to the light, to this plan. You incarnated originally from day one, from lifetime one, already a contributor to the light. You have not evolved through as newer souls have. You have facilitated the emergence of this experience. You have consistently served the light in anchoring the light on this planet so that everyone can have the experience that is available to them on Earth. That experience is a very rare one, meaning the experience that is available on planet Earth is one of limitation or it has been for eons of time. And this is a cycle of soul evolution that is by free will choice open to any soul who wishes to experience it. And so, such an environment is created for those souls who ask the questions.

And this planet was by design here to allow the descent into the depths of separation and then the evolution out of it. It is one of the most fantastic journeys a soul can make, but it’s also one of the most extreme. Many souls would never dream of experiencing what is available on this planet. It is for fairly advanced beings. So I hope we are making sense to you that you are the architects, if you will, of this experience so that you hold this planet that many, many other souls can come and experience what is on offer here. This makes you very different. It does make you special and it does make you different, but you are in the same limitation as your fellow human being who has no concept of the great plan, who does not care, who will never have a concept of it. They are here to experience what is available and evolve, as you have, but you are a little bit ahead of the game.

All that to say, we are honored to sit before you. We are honored to serve you. What makes you the same as your fellow human being is that you are still incarnated in the physical form with the same limitations, with the same binding that binds any other soul on this journey who is completely unaware of the unfoldment of the great plan. You have been born into seemingly ordinary circumstances just like everyone else. You are here to demonstrate and you have already demonstrated through your lifetime, whether you see it or not, whether you understand it or not, you have all, sitting in front of us, you have already walked a path that is different and that affects others just by you being on the planet. You may not see this. You may see or think of your life as ordinary, as nothing special. This is by design. This is on purpose so that you are in the marketplace, as has been said before, the wording. The analogy is that you are in amongst the people.