Gillian Shaw is a channel and intuitive guide, assisting people to create real transformation in their lives. Driven by a conviction that every one of us has an equal capacity for Greatness and limitless abilities, the Masters she channels lay down a practical and grounded path to unlocking that potential in all of us.
Gillian was, by her own admission, not just “asleep” in terms of spiritual awareness, but in a coma before her abrupt awakening by the Visitation of Emanuel (Jesus the Christ) at the foot of her bed in September of 2011. Such a dramatic and profound event blew her known world apart and since then Emauel has walked closely beside her, pouring wisdom teachings and spiritual truths in and through her in a compelling, yet simple, unique style. These teachings make profound spiritual concepts real, accessible and understandable for everyone who seeks peace and happiness in today’s chaotic and busy world.
Opening message
[Lord Emanuel]: Indeed. Let’s get started. We mean this very literally. Let’s get the party started.
Dear Ones, it is I, Emanuel, and all that would speak in my name here to be with you again today. And again, it is our ultimate pleasure to be here with you in person, that we may commune with you more directly, that we may impart to you wisdom that is relevant for you right now. This is an opportunity that we value very highly and we are very grateful to you for your presence, for getting yourself here.
Please, do not underestimate the significance of your getting here. This is challenging. The times are challenging, but our wisdom imparted, the energy carried here is very challenging. We say this because we are addressing your identity right now. We’re addressing your ego self that would talk you out of being here for a million reasons. There are many people who express a desire to be here and the messenger will receive notification ”Oh, I can’t make it”, ”Oh, this has happened…”. And there is no judgment in this, Dear Ones. We are not saying this to judge. We’re saying this to point out that the ego will invent very justifiable, believable reasons to not be here.
The ego has not convinced you. You are here and this is significant. So again, do not miss that. Use that to see yourself as we do. Champions of the light. Stronger than your egoic draw to be doing something else right now. A pat on the back would not cover it, would not be enough. The information that we impart here and are going to continue to impart here is extraordinarily challenging, extraordinarily challenging for the ego, for it seems to believe that it will be annihilated in the presence of God. And Dear Ones, it is tempting to be drawn into the battle of good and evil, which is of course the ego and the God Self. It is tempting to demonize the ego, for it is not ever acting in your highest interests. It is always attempting to keep you safe. In the context of the ego, being safe is to stay in your limited personality, your identity, who you think you are.
The ego is programmed, overstimulated and inflamed, but programmed to protect you, to keep you safe. This is the function of the ego and in a healthy individual it is very, very useful. You would be very unwise to operate in this physical environment with no egoic vehicle to assist you. Simple tasks would be impossible because you would not remember that hot water burns your skin or that stepping off of a cliff edge is not a good thing to do. You have learned the ego’s function is to enable you to operate safely in this physical environment, that you do not have to repeatedly learn the same mistakes. So it’s useful, it’s essential. However, it has been given control and in this way of operating you have lost yourself.
You have forgotten who you are. And so, in the revealing of yourself, the ego perceives that it will be annihilated and it is inflamed to the degree that it will do anything to hoodwink you, to blind you, to fog your brain, to confuse you, in order to keep you safe. It is trying to do its job. Therefore, it is not to be demonized. It is very difficult. If you are sincerely on this path, you cannot help but demonize the ego. If you are not tempted to demonize the ego, you have not faced it fully yet. I say to you, when you face your God Self, when you stare into the face of God and know this is you, you will also stare into the face of the devil, and it will seem to want to kill you. We know this sounds incredibly dramatic, but this is the scale of the power we have given to the identity. Do not be fooled. It is powerful. And it is subtle, clever. It will slip under your radar and you will not know that it is your egoic agenda that is running the show. Many well-intentioned, well-meaning people, spiritual people, are teaching from this place and they have no idea that their egoic agenda is what is controlling them. And we will be very plain. No matter how well-intended you are, no matter how much of the light you believe yourself to be, if you are operating from the egoic agenda, which you will not be aware of, you are not contributing to the light.
So we say this one more time. You are here. This is very significant, and you do well to honor yourself for navigating the wily fox that is the ego to get here, to be sitting in front of us today. Congratulations. And so we say again, it is important that you do not be tempted to demonize the ego. Even if you are sitting saying, ”Oh, I know, I don’t do that. I know that it’s part of God”. If you are saying this, you have not danced fully with the ego for it doesn’t give up. It doesn’t give up. And if you think that it is to be loved and you’re all good with that, then you have not challenged it, you have not fully committed to your God Self, because you will want to dislike it once you do that.
So we are just forewarning you that the ego is only asking for your love. It’s asking for your attention. It is formed in the most innocent part of your life. It is formed in innocence. It is, in a sense, innocent, but it will seem to be like the devil because it will never stop attempting to convince you down the path of the dark side. And again, these words seem very dramatic. We don’t wish to play into the drama of dark and light, but there is no other way to say it. It’s an absence of light, it is a cloak that covers your light – the ego. Therefore it is dark. There is no other way to say it, but don’t be pulled into the drama of the dark and the light. There is no battle. That battle is not of you. This is what we are here to clarify. You are being asked to step up above and beyond that battle, which will always rage. The battle of good and evil is as old as time itself. It will not stop as long as there is the duality of light and dark. It will always be dancing. They are the same… they are the two halves of one whole. We are asking you to step out. It is so simple and yet not easy because of the wiliness and the intelligence of the ego that is merely doing its job.