Gillian Shaw is a channel and intuitive guide, assisting people to create real transformation in their lives. Driven by a conviction that every one of us has an equal capacity for Greatness and limitless abilities, the Masters she channels lay down a practical and grounded path to unlocking that potential in all of us.
Gillian was, by her own admission, not just “asleep” in terms of spiritual awareness, but in a coma before her abrupt awakening by the Visitation of Emanuel (Jesus the Christ) at the foot of her bed in September of 2011. Such a dramatic and profound event blew her known world apart and since then Emauel has walked closely beside her, pouring wisdom teachings and spiritual truths in and through her in a compelling, yet simple, unique style. These teachings make profound spiritual concepts real, accessible and understandable for everyone who seeks peace and happiness in today’s chaotic and busy world.
Opening message
[Lord Emanuel]: Greetings, Dear Ones, straight into it today. How are we all? As usual, it is an absolute honor and pleasure to be here in this capacity and to serve you in this way. The rarity of this occasion is not lost on us. We rarely get the opportunity to be in such direct contact with you, so we cherish these moments that we share with you very much. And we wish to impart to you today that which you need to hear, not that which you want to hear, and this is the difference always with what we deliver to you. And we understand that many people who listen to channeled messages can become frustrated with the seemingly indirect or general nature of the information that is imparted to you. You can receive much more personal information, if this is what you seek, but we would never do this in a general way when we are addressing more than one person. We must keep the information general and you must trust, if you will – or not, it doesn’t actually matter – that what is going on, what is being imparted, is shifting and changing things on a level that you are not always aware of.
So to receive the most from your time with us, we ask you to relax, we ask you to silence the questioning mind – the mind that is wishing to find the holes in what is being said or using that part of your brain which is analytical. We ask you, if you are here, then be open to what is here for you, and to do that we need you, we invite you to relax. Relax and, shall we say, sunbathe, lie back and enjoy. For we can pour sunshine upon you this morning, this evening, wherever you are in the world, whatever time, date this is. This message is always alive. This message will always carry the energy of this Collective and Emanuel, who you so dearly love. Throughout all time and space, this message will remain alive for you to lie back and bask in the sunshine of the energy that we can transmit to you.
If you are listening or watching with the frame of mind that you are trying to find fault or see if this is true, you are obviously within your free will to do so. But we are informing you that you will not receive the benefit of this message and indeed you create your own reality. If you are here to see if this is for real, this is perfectly okay, but in sitting in that frame of mind you will only receive that which you create, which is finding fault. And this is always the case in your reality. You have a belief or you have a questioning mind, and by questioning mind we don’t mean open, we mean closed – you have a closed mind. And in life this is the case as it is here with us. If your mind is closed, you only create your beliefs. This is the only option available to you. If your mind is closed, you will create exactly what your beliefs hold true. And so you will be disappointed by a channel or whoever it is you are seeking the truth from. You will always be dissatisfied. You will always find fault with the channel, the messenger or the message. And this is true in life. [When] you show up to any scenario in life with your mind closed, but maybe curious, but your mind is a little bit closed because you are protecting yourself, you’ll never fully receive life.
And Dear Ones, life in every moment is serving you your highest good always. But if your mind is closed, you won’t see it and you will only see what your beliefs hold true and therefore your reality will confirm your beliefs. So, we bring it back to here and now. If there’s any part of you that’s in any doubt, then we invite you to consider letting go fully to be here with us now, to fully immerse yourself in what’s available to you right now. For we are a Collective and we are responsible for the lifetime of Emanuel, Jesus, the Christ. He is us. We are him. And we are the Collective that has overseen humanity and its evolution for as long as the Earth has been.
And we are working with you and your Higher Self. You are not only, this is not news to any of you, but you are not only here in physical form, you exist multidimensionally and the multidimensional aspects of you that you are unaware of are working with us right now to serve you individually and collectively on levels you are not aware of. And if you are open – the physical vessel right here, right now – open, relaxed, trusting, knowing that you’re in safe hands, then that openness, the relaxation allows your Higher Self in. You’re not letting in anything that is separate from you. The ego would have you believe that to fully give over to us, to God, to surrender to life, would leave you vulnerable and open to deception. This is your ego talking and we fully understand where this comes from. Your planet shows you from a very early age that you cannot trust people, that people lie, people deceive you. Even your parents deceive you with some big fat man that comes and delivers presents for Christmas. Even your parents lie to you.
This is your world, but it doesn’t have to be your world. You get to make your world up – every single part of it. You decide what your world looks like. If you ever feel vulnerable in the face of God, you know that you’re in your ego. Only your egoic nature needs to protect you and that is what it’s doing. It’s protecting you from the lies and the deceit that you know exist in your world. And this is why so many people show up to this kind of event slightly skeptical, slightly afraid. And this is okay. This is okay. But we invite you to acknowledge that this side of you, this aspect of you, is the ego. It’s the frightened child in an unsafe world. And we tell you now, this is not the truth.
Your world is unsafe because you believe it to be true, and we understand the chicken and the egg situation you find yourself in. You are innocent when you’re born. People do lie to you and deceive you. This is real. And then you perpetuate it because you believe it to be true. You are innocent in this. Your ego is innocent. However, as we’ve said before, you are all grown up now. And once you understand that your belief creates your reality – the beliefs that you hold that you’re not aware of, they are subconscious, unconscious, they run you without your awareness – once you understand this, it’s very simple, it’s very simple indeed.