By: Gillian Shaw (Author)

E-book: Messages from the Masters – Episode 8 – Potentials of the Future

Publisher: SoulLink Publisher, Sweden
This E-book ”Message From the Masters – Episode 8 – Potentials of the Future” is a transcript of a webinar recorded 2021-01-03 with Lord Emanuel & The Collective channeled through Gillian Shaw. Number of pages: 21
Language: 🇬🇧 English

Transcript on Patreon

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Gillian Shaw is a channel and intuitive guide, assisting people to create real transformation in their lives. Driven by a conviction that every one of us has an equal capacity for Greatness and limitless abilities, the Masters she channels lay down a practical and grounded path to unlocking that potential in all of us.

Gillian was, by her own admission, not just “asleep” in terms of spiritual awareness, but in a coma before her abrupt awakening by the Visitation of Emanuel (Jesus the Christ) at the foot of her bed in September of 2011. Such a dramatic and profound event blew her known world apart and since then Emauel has walked closely beside her, pouring wisdom teachings and spiritual truths in and through her in a compelling, yet simple, unique style. These teachings make profound spiritual concepts real, accessible and understandable for everyone who seeks peace and happiness in today’s chaotic and busy world.

This E-book ”Message From the Masters – Episode 8 – Potentials of the Future” is a transcript of a webinar recorded 2021-01-03 with Lord Emanuel & The Collective channeled through Gillian Shaw. Number of pages: 21


Opening message

[Lord Emanuel]: Greetings, Dear Ones. I can hardly contain myself this day to wish you a Happy New Year in your world, your planet. What a wonderful start to the year it could be for so many, and yet so many still struggle. But it’s a wonderful opportunity. The beginning of a new year always heralds in new energies, new enthusiasms to do things differently, to take account of your life. And indeed, the message was published this week to address this exact phenomenon, the idea that a new year brings in new hope, new life. And we wish to maximize our time with you and ride these energies – not the energies of the planet, the energies of your thinking about a new year, if that makes sense.

So Dear Ones, it is I, Emanuel, and all that would speak in my name for the Unity consciousness of your planet, come to be with you again. And we love it so. We cherish this time so dearly for we have your attention. And again, thank you. Thank you for being here. And again, do not underestimate the importance of your being here. And once again, see yourself through our eyes, even if just for this one hour together. Feel the importance of your presence, the significance of you being here for it is worthy of comment.

Dear Ones, we say it’s a new year bringing new hope and new life and yet the reality for many is a struggle still and a struggle that is becoming more intense as the days unfold, as the circumstances on your planet unfold in an unfavorable way. There is much struggle, there is much confusion, and it is the very reason this messenger has been prepared for this time. We told her it was coming. She had no idea what that meant. And here we sit, for this time we are ready. We are ready with answers for you. We are ready with guidance for you to navigate these challenging times. And this is the significance of your presence here today with us, that you receive the information that you need to navigate these waters with grace and ease. It is possible to do this and you sit before me now as Ones who are ready, even if you do not believe this yourself. It does not matter. At a deeper level you are ready to take the helm of your ship and steer it through these waters like no one else will, to show everyone, to be the living demonstration that it is possible to thrive, it is possible to be happy, it is possible to navigate any circumstances with grace and ease, bringing the light of God to any situation, to uplift all those who are around you, to know what to do at any moment through your connection to your God, for your connection to Source is All-knowing.

And indeed, we have said this many times, you do not actually need this channel. You do it this time, and this is why we are here. You do at the moment but each and every one of you is equipped to have your own connection to the Divine that will inform you, that can inform you in every moment what is the appropriate action to take. And indeed, that information is available to you all the time. As we’ve said many times before, it is often very difficult to pierce the veil of the ego, to get through it, to get your attention. And often when it is, that voice does come through, often you will dismiss it. This is the skill we implore you to begin to learn. You have the ability to know what to do in every given situation and this does not come from your personality. Immediately, this would bring up anxiety. This is coming from the ego. This is effortless. Your existence on Earth is supposed to be effortless. It is natural and normal for you to know what to do, to feel safe, to feel guided, to feel invincible. This is your natural state and you have forgotten. It has been lost and you have no real role models to follow. Yes, you have had many Masters walk this Earth – Emanuel being one of them – but that was a long time ago. And though the truth is always the truth, and it’s still there for everyone to absorb, and indeed many, many, many people are now reinvestigating the truths that were written in the scriptures in my name – and this is a good thing. However, the practical application of the truth that is written for your modern times, there is no Master walking today for you to seek guidance and seek illumination from by watching. So the task of this falls to you. Now, do you see the importance of your sitting here? And you may find this hard to believe. No matter. No matter. And I would put it to you, that you do not have to believe. Your success, your ability to master life on Earth is not dependent on your belief in your ability to do so. God does not need your permission or your belief. That’s all egoic agenda. That’s all in the realm of the personality and the ego.

You are God in Form. Nothing can change that – not even your belief. And so, this is what we are here to impart. This is the one message that we will continually impart over and over. The truth of who you are and how to apply that in your life today, in the modern world today – not 2000 years ago – that you may navigate these uncharted waters that, if you haven’t noticed, are getting rougher and rougher. And we would like to impart… You will notice that in your questioning in past sessions, when you look to the future, we are always very guarded or we steer you away from that and get to the root of what it is you’re asking. And there’s a very good reason for this, mostly because your attention is in the wrong place and we bring you back to where your attention needs to be.