Gillian Shaw is a channel and intuitive guide, assisting people to create real transformation in their lives. Driven by a conviction that every one of us has an equal capacity for Greatness and limitless abilities, the Masters she channels lay down a practical and grounded path to unlocking that potential in all of us.
Gillian was, by her own admission, not just “asleep” in terms of spiritual awareness, but in a coma before her abrupt awakening by the Visitation of Emanuel (Jesus the Christ) at the foot of her bed in September of 2011. Such a dramatic and profound event blew her known world apart and since then Emauel has walked closely beside her, pouring wisdom teachings and spiritual truths in and through her in a compelling, yet simple, unique style. These teachings make profound spiritual concepts real, accessible and understandable for everyone who seeks peace and happiness in today’s chaotic and busy world.
Opening message
[Lord Emanuel]: I Am Emanuel and I Am here with you again this day, this auspicious day, which we cherish. To have this direct communication with you, we cherish this like you would not believe, for it is such a precious time. Like we have said many times before, you have your own connection that has been compromised and lost over time. We’re talking to you individually but also as a collective, this has happened to humanity. And so your connection is intermittent, unreliable, from your perspective, and a channel therefore becomes a much easier way to impart information to you that you need to know right now to assist you in your daily lives. And this is what we wish to do.
We are here to give you the broad teachings of your reality and your purpose here, but we are also here to deliver information to you as an individual, to assist you in your daily life right now. So much information that you get is good to know, but in the moment of your daily life, problems that you encounter, simple things in your daily tasks, these are the things we wish to assist you with, for this is where the rubber meets the road. This is real life and we wish to assist you personally, which is why we are here to answer your questions. And we urge you, Dear Ones, to come forth with your questions. And we understand that can be a challenge for the ego, but we ask you to put this aside as the messenger puts hers aside to communicate. So we invite you to do the same, that you may harness the wisdom of your own heart, that you may hear the wisdom of your own heart as it asks the questions.
As you already know, everyone participating here today is co-creating this message. Your hearts are calling for our wisdom and we answer, which is why we are here. We cannot interfere with your divine plan without your permission. You’ve given us permission because each one of you has asked for help, whether you know it or not, and here we sit answering your questions, answering your heart’s calling. And mostly this is unconscious, or shall we say, you may not join the dots completely as to your part in co-creating this actual message right now. You may not have asked directly to be having an audience with Emanuel, but you can trust me when I tell you that your hearts have called this forth over your lifetime and lifetimes past.
So, it is you that we thank for this opportunity, for you called it into being. And so we invite you to understand this, to recognize this and to know that your heart always knows. And so we invite you to listen to the wisdom of your own heart in asking questions. They will appear in front of you, and they will appear in front of you with the best intentions, and the best intentions will serve the greater good of All. So your questions matter. What’s important to you matters. Please, do not ignore it. Please, do not dismiss even the smallest query as being insignificant or not worthy of our time and attention. Please, do not judge what arises from your heart, for it may have a deeper meaning than you realize and it may serve many thousands of people.
So we invite you to be your own hero and this is what it takes to navigate the ego: To be a hero on your own journey, be bold and be brave, and be the servant of your heart – not your mind. Your mind is a wonderful tool. It is an absolutely essential part of human existence in this reality, but as you know, it has been given too much power and your mind has taken over your existence. And in doing so, your life becomes one of duality consciousness. Your mind will never be in agreement with itself. It always has two sides of every coin. This is the nature of duality. And I do not need to go any further to let you know where humanity has ended up, giving all the power to the mind and the ego. It’s not pretty because it is not guided by the almighty intelligence of All That Is. It is guided by the small me, the little “I”, for you have more than one “I” in your consciousness. You have “I Am, the Infinite One. I Am the Eternal One”. This is one of your I’s. You also have “I am [and fill in your name]”. We will refer to this as “little me”, the small person. The mind serves this – your identity, your personality, your limited existence, which is shaped by your beliefs, your experiences and your culture to mold a person, an individual facet of the Creator that is having its own experience with its own unique nuances.
And the personality is not to be rejected. The thoughts, feelings and emotions that arise from the identity – rejection is too harsh a word, but we are inviting you to realize that the thoughts, feelings, and emotions that arise from the identity are not valuable. They only support, encourage and solidify your identity as little me, your personality. Your thoughts and feelings and emotions arise from your interactions with life, born of your beliefs, and this is how you operate as a limited being. This is why it seems so unfathomable to you that you can be God, that you are God. We are aware that this is a stretch for most people. Even spiritual aspirants, when faced with the idea that they are God Almighty, have a little bit of trouble with fully embracing what that actually means. So solid is your identity. So convincing is your experience on Earth of limitation. It’s so real to you – and it’s meant to be. This is the illusion, this is the experience that your soul asked for.