Mariana Stjerna (March 25th 1921 – May 4th 2023) is a highly respected Swedish channel and authoress of spiritual books. Already since childhood she was psychic and had a deep feeling for nature and elementals.
In her five internationally released spiritual novels inspired by Jan Fridegård (On Angels’ Wings, Time Journey to the Origin and the Future, The Bible Bluff, The Invisible People and Mission Space) ancient knowledge and wisdoms are revealed in an entertaining and effortless style. The paradigm-breaking and thought-provoking novel Agartha – The Earth’s Inner World, inspired by the former Canadian Timothy Brooke, is maybe the best example of Mariana’s writing at its finest.
The Cosmic Map
1. The Crossing
2. My Joyful Valley
The Akashic Records
3. The Process of Creation
At First Came the Invisible Worlds
The Fall of Lucifer
Yin and Yang – Duality and Polarity
The First Humans – The People of the Sun and the Stars
Zio and the Migration to Earth
4. The Lost Millennium Kingdom
The Tale of Toja
5. The Nine Elders of Sirius
The Reptile People
6. In the Angels’ School
The Dual Flame
7. The No Man’s World
8. The Realms of the Astral World
The Realms of Dreams
The Realm of Music
The Nature World
The Realm of Animals
The Children’s Realm
9. The Midnight Mass
10. The Realm of Beautiful Arts
11. In the Angelic Realm
The Banquet
About Soul Groups and Twin Souls
12. Meeting with the Master Djwal Khul
The Journey to Earth
How to Materialize and Dematerialize
13. Back to Shamballa
My Home Is in the Angelic Realm
14. Disobedience Is Punished
15. The Ashtar Command
Mission North America
About Earthly Emotions and All-Love
My First Pupil
16. Helia and Sananda
The Goddess Helia: The Virgin Mary
An Opportunity to Ask Master Sananda Questions
17. Alien Contact
A Political World Conference Gets a Cosmic Visit
18. About the Aura and the Chakras
19. About Prayer and Meditation
The Prayer of Mother Marta
The Creative Power of Thoughts
20. Who Am I? An Existential Question
The Cosmic Map – Explanation and Guidance
The Original Meaning of Colors
List of Diseases and Colors
When I was asked to write this book, I didn’t hesitate for a moment. My spaceborne companion, Jan, wanted to recount his personal experiences after his passing, from the moment of death up until now. He is a spirit with his own authoring history during his last incarnation here in Sweden. He is a happy and humorous person, but he also has profound experiences from the cosmic development. When he suggested that the name of this book would be On Angels’ Wings, I immediately associated this name with a memory from my childhood.
I love watching the sky. Sometimes the clouds are storming in dark flocks, duskily indigo-colored, with violet nuances. Sometimes a clear blue sky shines, covered with fleecy, fluffy, white puffs in enormous patches. When I was a young girl they were called “angel wings.” I always tried to catch sight of a “real” angel among the puffs. Sometimes there were gaps filled with light in the big, dark clouds, and then I believed that within there was a sea of light where angels flew around, looking down through the cloud-windows at the silly humans. When they observed all the misery on Earth, they closed up the gaps with the down puffs of their angel wings.
When I asked Jan if he wanted to tell me about Paradise, he laughed heartily and answered, “Paradise, as it is perceived by humans, is not at all what you think. Everyone creates his own paradise – or whatever it is – with his thoughts. I intend to start from the beginning, and the beginning for me means the end of my earthly life and the beginning of life before life.”
“Are you in Paradise?” I asked, somewhat naively.
“Oh no, not me!” he answered. “Paradise as you see it doesn’t suit a prankster like me at all.” He held up a flaming-red autumn leaf before my astonished eyes.
“This is but a small part of a living code,” he continued, “a living code that can shed its form, but which in turn is a part of eternity. The leaf fades, but still lives in full splendor and beauty, just like us humans. The closeness to Nature that humanity has lost today, is the key to her whole existence. If she loses that key, she will also lose the meaning of her life. She will be trapped in her ego, which will take over her thoughts and actions. She will become a victim of misguided and impure energies. Please let me tell you a story that will be the greatest of all the stories you have heard!”
Most humans are not only scared of death, they look upon it as a punishment or something horrifying. My hope is that this book will remove such emotions. No one can prove that what I convey through Jan is the Truth – but can you really talk about proof in this context? Let us be content with the fact that I am fortunate enough to be the spokeswoman for a soul who has given me the information and inspiration to write On Angels’ Wings. Now we are going to listen to Jan’s story – a story that he, himself, will tell you from beginning to end.
– Mariana Stjerna
1. The Crossing
It was a long and laborious step from the gray and poor farm laborer’s cottage to the established and rather wealthy author I had become. As an old man I felt pretty content with my life, especially when I got to bandy words with colleagues and other loose people. I’ve never been afraid to tell the truth, even if the truth sometimes has been afraid of me. The ugly things in life have danced a waltz with the good and beautiful things, and that has suited me well. I have constructed my books in the same way that you build a stone wall: the biggest stones at the bottom and the smaller ones on the top, with some air in between. I have been a noisy person and I have scolded people until the evil weeds have caught fire. To rub people the right way has never been my style and will probably never become so, not even on the other side of the Light portal.
If you think I exaggerate on occasions, then I ask the reader to try to understand me. Here I don’t live on raw herring and potatoes, here our diet is of a different kind, so I mostly try to be moderate. But it is not “small potatoes” (as we say in Sweden) that this book will deal with, it is something tremendous and quite inconceivable. It is unbelievable and magnificent! We are going to travel in worlds where only one law applies: the Cosmic Law, where the harmonies meet the disharmonies, to be perfected in a minor-major chord of fantastic beauty.
I have described my latest life on Earth in both autobiographical and educational books. But now I am going to tell you about my real life, the life I was born into the moment I breathed my last sigh on Earth.
Now I understand that the miserable life in the farm laborer’s cottages wasn’t as trying and laborious as it seemed to me at the time. I became at one with Nature, as I, day by day, in sunshine and rain, tended my cattle and repaired fences or toiled at the hard soil. I learned to understand all the signs that Nature gave me in such ample amount. The different seasons’ abundance of new impressions and secrets were imprinted in the farm laborer’s open mind, even though he at that point didn’t fully understand the value of the school he resided in.
Mine was the sky – cloudy, clear, or leaden and heavy with rain. Mine was the ground with its riches, even when the snow mercifully hid the deep hibernation of the plants, their struggle for birth, and return to the new spring, to the new, clear light. Mine was the marsh that wetted my tired and dirty feet – friendly in summertime and deceitful in other seasons. The trees were telling me of their fear of being slaughtered by money-mad parasites in human shape – and of their happiness, being able to stretch their crowns towards the sky. Bushes and brushwood told another story of a stinging world, full of hideaways for all sorts of creepy-crawlies. It was wonderful to live at that time, but I didn’t grasp it back then.
Much later I became friends with the poor farm boy in me and defended his right to be human in a society where birds of a feather were far from identical. I learned to accept but also to question – not to swallow hook, line, and sinker. The flowers are always to be found in summertime. They wink and flirt with their flower heads from the ditch-bank, because they know their place. The country road must be free of flowers. There the traffic shall rush by without seeing them. They exist, but they must not disturb the cold, gray stretch of smooth gravel or asphalt. It is the same in life: The flowers are to be found at the side of the road. The question is whether you should take your time to stop and pick some of them, without ruining the wholeness of the landscape. I think it’s necessary that you do so, otherwise life will be transformed into an eternal freeway, without dreams and without beauty.
But now we are going to talk about my birth into a completely different life. I closed my eyes in my earthly life and stepped straight into the next one! That’s what I am going to tell you about, from the first moment of my “last” breath.
How strange! I was breathing and felt bright and breezy! Yet, I was lying like some kind of graven image in my bed. I looked at myself and wasn’t happy about what I saw. ‘The old man has really aged,’ I thought, ‘and is as ugly as sin!’ Once I was a handsome man … No, I was not, I am!
Where did this certainty come from, that I am what I am – Now? I turned my eyes from the old man Jan in the bed and discovered a thin, shiny, silvery thread running between him and me. ‘Exactly like a dog’s leash,’ I thought, and I laughed out loud. But the man at the other end of the leash didn’t laugh. He was lying there, as if dead. And suddenly I realized that that was exactly what he was: dead! ‘Then who was I? To be sure, I was him before, but now I am him, too!’
Well, occasionally you have read about things like that. Jan’s spirit, that was me! I didn’t feel any different – but I was very curious! Jan was dead – long live Jan!
The “dog’s leash” was fixed. It is usually called the silver cord. I knew very well that I had to endure it for about three days. After that it would loosen by itself, like the umbilical cord of a newborn baby. In fact, I had read a lot about what happens after death. But now, when I was there myself, in the middle of the unknown, I felt a bit uncertain. What does an Earth human really know about life after this, about life between lives? There are plenty of theories – such I have kept in abundance. But where should I go now? Where was the borderline between theory and knowing?
People came into the room where the dead Jan lay – the “dead” Jan, who was alive! I recoiled and discovered that the silver cord could be stretched. I went out through the wall, and I thought a bit sarcastically about my book called The Tower Rooster. Would I do the same thing as the old man in the book – mostly hang on the outside of the tower – or would I get to do a longer journey? In that case, how was that to be managed?
A pair of hands clutched mine. I was lifted through walls and roof, and I caught a glimpse of a large entity dressed in white that pulled me with him/her, gently but resolutely. The “dog-leash” was still there, but I didn’t care, because it obviously could be stretched quite a long way. We flew through the air like in some science-fiction novel. ‘Maybe there was some truth in such novels,’ I thought, who used to write very down-to-earth prose myself. I didn’t see any church towers and neither any landscape, the way you see it from an airplane. Maybe the clouds surrounded us, maybe it was some other fog, because my sight wasn’t clear. It grew dark now, and it felt as if we were going through a tunnel. I closed my eyes. The hands of the unknown entity still clasped mine in a firm grip, and strangely enough, it felt safe and pleasant.
I couldn’t help pondering over what was now happening to the other Jan, the one down on Earth. Was he to be buried in the cold soil or to be consumed by the flames of fire? Maybe it was more pleasant not to know. I decided to leave myself entirely in the hands of this being, who I understood must be an angel. Unless I hadn’t gone astray or down the wrong track, of course! I couldn’t help smiling at that black-edged thought, and at that precise moment we landed. I opened my eyes, slightly afraid of being surrounded by a burning Gehenna. Instead, there was a vast plain where shapes were flashing by – thin and transparent, like vague figures.
‘Oh, I see,’ I thought a bit gloomily, ‘first you get to a kind of preliminary stage of purgatory. After that it’s all downhill, of course. But it probably serves me right!’
“Do I look like those?” I asked, and pointed at some ghost-like shapes gliding by.
“Not at all,” answered my winged companion with a smile. “You look more like me!”
I looked more closely at her. She was dressed in a long, pale garment. She had blond hair that reached her waist. Her large eyes were dark blue, like a summer-night’s sky. She didn’t seem as huge any longer, as I had first imagined. Or perhaps she had shrunk after our swift journey? She wasn’t transparent, but she gave an impression of lightness and litheness. I looked at my hands. They were still my hands, although softer and smoother.
“My name is Jolith, and I am your guardian angel,” she continued. “Jan, your physical body is dead, but you are alive! As long as the silver cord still remains between you and your earthly body, your eyes will be veiled. When it is broken, we will see where your free will leads you. I will remain with you for some time yet, but the day will come when you won’t need me anymore.”
“Where are you going, then?” I wondered curiously.
“I will receive new tasks,” the angel answered evasively. She still held on to my hand. It felt like a “firm grip,” as my father used to say. He judged people by their handshake, and he couldn’t be bothered with what he called a “woman’s handshake.” “They feel like dead herrings,” was his rather harsh judgment. I experienced an intense longing for him. Why didn’t he meet me here, with his coarse humor and boisterous laughter, to show me around in Heaven? In case this was Heaven, of course. It was a bit too primitive, in my opinion. And a little too foggy. I wasn’t yet entirely sure whether I had ended up in purgatory, which the priests have such a good hang of. Perhaps the priest at home in Uppsala was preaching about purgatory at my funeral right now? It wouldn’t surprise me, when considering how many bad words I have mentioned about priests.
“This is only the beginning, Jan, and not the beginning you think,” the angel girl said, smiling gently. “It will feel different when the cord has come loose. Part of you is still on Earth. This is not what you would call Heaven.”
“Is there really a Heaven?” I asked, a bit mockingly.
“There are many!” Jolith replied, and it flashed in the depths of her blue sea-eyes. “Just wait, and you’ll see!”
Facing this bait, I had to surrender. In my entire earthly life I had been curious about what happens after death, and now here I stood completely dead on a foggy plain, holding hands with a beautiful girl, while faceless shadows were gliding past like a shoal of eels, seemingly without a goal in this colorless existence.
“Am I going to live here with the shadows? Who are they?” I couldn’t help but ask. My angel girl was sweet as candy – her blond hair and rosy cheeks could have been painted by Botticelli. Was I dreaming? Was I really dead? Was this something that you used to call purgatory down on Earth?
“No, my friend,” she answered my unspoken question. “The shadows you see haven’t liberated themselves from their earthly bonds, although their silver cords were loosened long ago. They are Earth-bound souls who are mourning their former existence. Some of them are lost, some of them are discontented and disappointed, and some of them are chained to their own sins and misfortunes. They refuse to move on.”
“But I want to move on, my beautiful Beatrice!” I jested, and my bright companion smiled openly and warmly. We looked at each other in mutual understanding, but suddenly Jolith pricked up her ears. She grabbed my arm and pulled me some distance away. The fog grew denser and rolled itself around us like a thick, grayish-white spiral.
“Now you have become free from the silver cord,” the angel exclaimed. “We can continue now!”
“That certainly got on fast,” I pointed out, “Never have three days and nights disappeared so quickly!”
“Time doesn’t exist here,” Jolith objected. “Three days and three nights have passed on Earth. Can you understand that? I have been given the signal for us to proceed now. The poor shadows you see here don’t want to listen to their guardian angels. They prefer to wander about, homeless, as vague shapes until they understand that they have their free choice to evolve in a new world. Sometimes they are drawn by their own longing back to Earth. They cannot stay there, but they willingly wander about in the surroundings of their old life perpetually.”
“Is that what we call ghosts or lost souls?” I wondered.
“Yes, they are the visible invisible ones,” was the answer. “They can actually mentally influence humans in the surroundings they choose to ‘haunt,’ whether they appear in dreams or show themselves in some other way. Sometimes the longing and the love for their old environment gives them an influence of positive force, but mostly this influence is negative, due to its own limitation and the fear response from its old surrounding. But now you have to proceed, if you don’t want to stay here among the shadows!”
Of course, I didn’t. Nevertheless, it might have been fun to haunt some people I knew: my publisher and some of my old friends. Certainly they stood there at my graveside, hats in hand, and certainly they were drinking at least a couple of funeral feasts in my “honor.” But of course I was more curious to find out what was waiting for me “a bit higher up” or “further away” – whichever it was.
In the cloudy spiral, Jolith started to grow. She took me in her arms, where I rested as on eiderdown. At the same time, it felt as if I was lying in a mother’s womb with labor pains. I was infinitely small and curious about the world outside. Then all became dark for a moment – or for an eternity. Is there any difference in this state?
2. My Joyful Valley
When I awoke, life was smiling at me. Because what else other than life could bring me to such an idyllic place? I wanted to laugh out loud and dance around with my beautiful angel, who again was small and dainty. She smiled and said, “Do it! Dance with me!”
So we took a turn round on a sun-drenched flowery meadow, where fragrances and music seemed to be one, where the air vibrated with tones enclosing us in a breathlessly lovely embrace. We were as light as the air, but still I felt how my feet touched the dew glittering grass and how my right arm rested firmly around Jolith’s slender waist, while my left hand held her little hand in a warm and almost physical grip. It was a long time since I had been able to dance, and I enjoyed the clear tones from the invisible musicians and the pleasure of the frisky wind-borne dance.
“Well, that’s that,” Jolith commanded in a determined tone. “Now we must proceed. We’ve just danced into the valley where your last life began. Look around you!”
Intoxicated by dance, music, and fragrances, I had totally forgotten to watch for where I was. I saw high mountains surrounding us in a closed circle. They were covered with moss and flowering trees in splendid colors, but their peaks were bare and shone in a wondrous way. It was as if the mountains had halos! ‘All Saints’ Mountains,’ I thought, with a smile. A river murmured forward in capricious nooks, until it tumbled in wild delight over a precipice and became a magnificent waterfall. Everywhere succulent, brilliantly-colored vegetation was seen. An earthly landscape in sublime form!
“From here you decided to return to Earth and live your last life there,” the angel explained. “Here you have often resided between lives, because you are a part of this valley. You are the grass and the flowers, and the trees. You are the silent, watching mountains and the water that flows in gentle streams until it throws itself out into the creation of your next life. You have always loved this place, and still you don’t recognize it?”
“Oh yes,” I answered, amazed. “Now the memory is coming back to me! Here is my origin in my joyful valley. But how could I ever leave this paradise to go to hell on Earth?”
“You had to,” sighed my guardian angel. “You chose it because the experiences that your earthly life gave you were a condition for the path that you will walk now.”
“Will walk? Can I no longer decide for myself? I want to stay here. Who makes my decisions?”
“You have already a long time ago chosen to return to your origin, in order to bring your experiences from many lives and many worlds. Your own inner Self makes your decisions, but the Great Spirit shows the way. Our dance was the joyful confirmation of the beginning of your new walk of life. Feel how life is flowing inside you!”
“In other words, the dance of circulation.” I laughed, and spun the girl round once more. “Are we going to stay here, or do we move on?”
“We have stayed here for a moment of eternity,” Jolith pointed out. “Now you will meet one of the Counselors who will accompany you for a very long time.”
She floated towards one of the high mountains. I floated after her as well as I could – perhaps a little reluctantly. The more I saw, the more I wanted to see of this place. Why such a hurry? What kind of person had I been the last time I was here? How did I look? How did I think? Did I myself really choose to go down to Earth in the guise of a poor farm boy? Okay, perhaps it had been good for me not to be born to a snob. I wonder how I would have coped with that?
I laughed at the thought and turned around to enjoy the brilliant panoramic view. Then I heard a deep man’s voice saying, “Well, Janne, you became a cultural snob anyway!”
I turned around in surprise. In front of me stood a tall male figure in a light yellow cloak. His hair was white as snow, but his face was young and smooth. His profile was clear-cut. His features were chiseled as by a Hellenic artist and his dark blue eyes were deep and full of life. He looked at me searchingly, but with a friendly smile. I instinctively felt that he had a deep fund of humor.
“It’s time for you to be confronted with yourself,” he continued. “What you have been and what you are will together form what you become.”
“Aha, the Akashic Records!” I exclaimed. “This is where all one’s stupid things are revealed, isn’t it? May I ask who you are?”
“My name is Zar,” he answered, and his eyes flashed. “Stupid things are not the only things you did, my friend. I will be your leader and teacher as long as you need me. The Akashic Records” (see the Cosmic Map on page 3) “is a kind of intermediate stage between two worlds. Everybody must experience it. Afterwards it is decided which world you belong to – so we’d better get it over and done with.”
The walls of the mountain we had reached rose almost perpendicularly up to the sky. I still remember the lovely sunsets over the forested peaks of my childhood mountains. Here it was even more beautiful. The sky above the mountain glowed and adopted a most exquisite color of rose-red and salmon-pink with a touch of glittering gold. The man at my side touched the mountain with a staff. The mountain wall started to shake, and raised itself like a theater curtain. There was a small room behind it. It was furnished with comfortable chairs in front of what looked like an enormous movie screen, which went from wall to wall. The room was lit by a soft, pleasant light. Jolith brought me to an armchair and then she sat down on my right side while Zar sat to my left. Between us and the screen was a little podium with a lighted floor. From somewhere, soft music streamed out into the room.
The Akashic Records
“Are you ready?” asked Zar. “You have to be prepared for both pleasant and less enjoyable meetings. The main character here is the Truth – the Truth that has followed you through thousands of years.”
“The Truth about the country bumpkin Jan,” I chuckled. “Go ahead! I know for sure what a rogue and rascal I have been.”
Zar gave me a peculiar look. “Well, we do know that you like that rogue and rascal,” he said. “To like oneself is an important quality for one who creates. How else do you think you would have become such an appreciated author? Soon we will see if Jan the human is a reflection of Jan the author – or vice versa. We will see what you regret and what you will forgive in yourself.”
I was just about to give him a sharp retort of what I regretted the most – something about beautiful women and seizing the opportunity – when suddenly the movie screen darkened. There was lightning and thunder, the rain was lashing over us in there inside the mountain room, but we didn’t get wet. We were sitting dry-shod in an unparalleled storm. The moist mountain walls were lit up by the flashes, and the granular surface of the walls sparkled as if it was sprinkled with diamonds.
“Raise your consciousness!” Zar ordered, and put his hand over mine.
Suddenly I felt how my earthly thoughts disappeared and my whole inner Self experienced a euphoric feeling of light and radiant colors: a happiness so great that tears of joy rolled down my cheeks. The storm had ceased and I saw the meadows and the forests of my childhood on the movie screen. I saw my mother giving birth to me and my father who was standing next to her chewing his mustache, proud and scared. Proud to have yet another son, but scared that my mother’s strengths would diminish. But everything went well. I saw myself grow up, my life as a man with his own family – wife, son, and daughter. I cried, felt ashamed, rejoiced, boasted of the good things in life, was appalled at the dark sides, happy to have come through them not taking them too seriously!
“What a life!” I moaned during the breaks of laughter and tears. “Can you be forgiven such folly? Can you forget such injuries? Can you manage to proceed with that burden on your frail back?”
“Your back is strong, Jan!” answered Zar. “Now take your opportunity to say hello, because the meetings will be very short.”
My mother, my father, and my beloved little sister were standing on the podium. They were as ethereal as I was, but when I rushed over to hug them, their bodies felt warm and substantial.
All the time I had thought that I and everyone else were talking in the usual way. Not until now did it dawn on me in my poor head: Nobody was moving their mouths – neither Zar, the angel, father, mother, nor my sister. How about me? I was talking feverishly with my beloveds, but when I put my finger against my mouth, my lips weren’t moving. This was a shock! But when I saw the faces of my beloveds, I realized that they, too, had made the same remarkable discovery. At first I felt like a ventriloquist, but when my father laughed his boisterous laugh without making any noise, I understood that this new body didn’t work in the same way as the old, worn-out one.
Unfortunately, the secure, well-known figures disappeared before I even had time to finish thinking. But new ones arrived. Human after human with more or less familiar faces from my life on Earth made their appearance on the podium. Some of them scolded me and then I enjoyed uncontrollably the fact that their mouths didn’t move. Wrongs, fights, and insolences filed past. Dear deceased close friends came forward to clasp my hand. But all these phenomena came to an end when the movie screen darkened again and the podium stopped shining.
“Now we will go back to your previous lives,” Zar’s voice was heard. “We will see if you have evolved over the millennia.”
I had been a monk in the fourteenth century and a gentleman with a powdered wig in a Swedish castle in the eighteenth century. I had been a fisherman in the Greek islands, where I sailed to meet death in an angry surge. I had been a Roman nobleman in the time of Jesus and a soldier in a poor Finland. For each life that was shown to me, the memory thereof immediately came back. I felt characterized by these lives, but underneath it all lay the certainty that I was me. The changes were of external nature, but the innermost Johan Fridolf Johansson From, alias Jan Fridegård, was there all the time below the surface, fumbling, seeking, longing, and filled with his own special passion for justice. If I was a hunter, I was hunting injustices and duplicity. If I was a gentleman, I was hunting ladies. Jan was there all the time, although I had a thousand faces.
It was a voyage on the sea of life that the author Jan even in his wildest dreams wouldn’t have imagined. Perhaps, however, my subconscious mind breezed forward occasional images of sweat and tears, or of strength and courage, even in my last life on Earth. I had already decided firmly to stay where I was. I felt that I had done my share on Earth. I had seen everything, experienced everything. To return to Earth would only be a repeat of the old – an overweight duck on a smooth and melancholy lake. Oh no, up here it was much more exciting!
“Oh, so you want to stay here, Jan? And not go back to your dark green forests and your life as an author in the professed light of the city?” Zar looked amused at me and added, “Look here! This is an image of today’s Stockholm. Imagine how it would be to live there!”
I looked in eager expectation for the restaurants Hasselbacken and Bellmansro to emerge in all their splendor, together with Operakällaren and Berzeliterrassen. Maybe I would follow a stroll with my eyes on the boulevard Strandvägen or Hamngatan up to the department store NK? Perhaps I would be allowed to make a trip to Haga and walk for a while among the old houses in Hagalund? But what did I see? The fright over the views that were shown, literally made my hair stand on end. Was this our good old Stockholm, the city of Bellman and Evert Taube, with the alleys of Old Town and the twinkling heights of the Southside of town in quiet evening sun?
There was chaos. There was violence, bustle, rush, and rough-mannered fellows who snatched handbags from old ladies and then kicked them. I saw children who hit children, children who couldn’t manage to be children anymore. I saw foreign images of drugs and boozing. Strangers, alienation, an inverted inner city completely without the old, friendly, warm atmosphere. Bawling and fighting everywhere. I didn’t want to see any more; I hid my face in my hands. Desire to buy, covetousness, struggle for power and alienation; it was a future I never again wanted to see.
“Don’t criticize!” Zar exhorted. “The cities are what time has made them to be. Nobody forces you back to that future. You still have your free will.”
I don’t know if I sat a few hours or several days in the mountain room with the movie screen and the holograms. Everything that took place moved in a three-dimensional reality mixed with unreality. To be sure, time doesn’t exist here, so when we were finished we stood up as easily as if the performance had only lasted an hour. Zar asked me if I regretted anything from my lives.
“How could I?” I answered. “All of it was a matter of development. I learned something all the time. But I have learned far from everything. Now I want to know more!”
“I accept your answer,” my friendly teacher said. “You are ready to proceed if you want to.”
“Is everyone who passes away allowed to look at their Akashic Records?” I asked.
“Certainly,” Zar answered. “We have ‘movie theaters’ like this one in several places. Some people get severely shocked by their Akashic Records, because their memories return with every life they look at, many times unprocessed experiences, and it may be difficult things for them to relive. You did well because of your clear perception of your own self, which you have analyzed in book after book. But there are many roads to choose from after the Records, and if you want to proceed, then follow me.”
3. The Process of Creation
With light feet we left the mountain room and walked in a long passage illuminated by daylight. I don’t know for how long we walked side by side, pleasantly chatting, but suddenly the passage came to an end. We came out in a blinding light that first prevented me from seeing the surroundings. I shaded my eyes with my arm and then I discovered a being in front of us. I couldn’t see if it was a man or a woman, but it was a radiant being. I was filled with reverence and fell on my knees. Perhaps it was an archangel?
The being lifted me up with a friendly smile and I had a feeling that it was a woman. She had long hair shot with red, her eyes were deep and dark, and she radiated warmth and joy.
“Welcome, Jan!” she said with a smile. “I am not an archangel, but rather an angel and your teacher! My name is Shala, and together with Zar I will teach you the ancient wisdom and show you who you are and where you come from. The thirst for knowledge that you experienced already on Earth has brought you to us and to the Angels’ School.”
Accordingly, this lovely being was a woman, and in the bargain my future teacher! Those were lessons to long for. But where was the school?
“Here!” answered Zar and threw his arms about. “You have just passed a tunnel to the Angelic Realm. From here you are going to experience your origin.”
The blinding light had faded, and I looked around. Again I found myself in a kind of movie theater with three walls. The fourth wall was open, and I caught a glimpse of a beautiful garden outside. Images started to appear on the empty walls. Human figures floated out of one wall and into another. These figures were dressed in very old-fashioned clothes, and they were mostly reminiscent of Native Americans. At first the whole scene appeared to be a confused fluttering of beings with or without faces. Yet there was a certain rhythm to it all. Suddenly all of it became blacked out.
“You saw the first humans on their way to Earth,” Shala explained. “The original inhabitants came from another planet. The knowledge that they conveyed at that time is still kept in the interior of the Earth, but so far it has not been the right time to introduce it to humanity. At the end of the twentieth century the Truth will be so necessary for humans that something or someone has to convey it to them, before the whole globe is blown up by their lack of wisdom.”
“I can imagine that.” I interjected gloomily. “The pollution of Earth had already begun when I passed away at the end of the 1960s. Both the inner and the outer pollution! What can you do about it? Do you want Earth to perish?”
“Of course not,” the confident voice of Zar answered. “We work at high pressure to inform the inhabitants of Earth, and quite a few have started to listen. You belong to the ones who will be trained to have contact with an Earth dweller who can pass on this message. But for this task you have to undergo a lot of training, tests, and initiations.”
“I don’t know if I’m good enough for that,” I muttered. “Shall I have contact with someone on Earth? I would rather be spared that!”
“You are going to inspire a woman on Earth, who via your authorship combined with her own and her mediumship, will convey the Truth to humans,” explained Shala.
“Do I have a good publisher up my sleeve, too?” I joked.
“We will try to arrange that.” Zar smiled. “So in other words, you will remain an author even here. Does it appeal to you?”
“It’s not too bad,” I replied mockingly. “If the lady in question is quick on the uptake and moreover behaves decently and appreciates my advice, it might work out.
“Will I see more of the Earth’s first inhabitants?” I continued.
“Eventually,” Zar answered. “But first you will experience something completely different. You, yourself, will take part at the birth of Earth. You are as old as we are – billions of years! Let our consciousness be born together on a journey On Angels’ Wings! Let our souls wake up in the infinite sea of Oneness of the Great Spirit. You will experience what few human souls have seen. Jolith will bring us to the goal on her great wings. She has the gift to take shape as required, and we call upon her – now!”
I thought, a bit silly, that this was one better than the spiritual séances I had attended in my physical body. But before I had time to finish my thought my guardian angel appeared, now as a giant woman, and rolled me into one of her wings. Both my teachers were already sitting on the other wing. Before the macabre thought hit me that the dead man would embark on an adventure, we swept away straight through the wall and right into a kind of pulsating corridor. Where would we end up now?
The answer came more swiftly than what I had expected. A door was opened in the corridor and Jolith flew out through it, straight out into outer space. Everything was blue air, midnight-blue, clear air. There was no light, not the slightest ray of light! Yet I saw and I perceived. The wing where I sat unfolded, and before I had time to think, Shala held up a mirror in front of my eyes. I saw nothing in the mirror, absolutely nothing. At first I got scared. “Don’t I have a face any longer?” I was about to ask, as I recalled with regret the handsome soldier Jan who flirted with the girls on the open-air dance floor. But again I was on the wrong track of thinking, because it was extinguished, and I heard a voice whisper in my ear:
“Jan, you are a speck of dust in our Universe! A speck of dust has no thoughts, but you have the privilege of taking in and understanding what your teachers convey to you. Now look around in your newly awakened consciousness!”
A little push, and I slid down the wing, as if on some chute. The whirling reality that I blew around in was a Cosmos that resembled the night sky seen from our porch at home on a night without moon and stars. Of course, I didn’t think along those lines; I was only a newborn consciousness in a speck of dust on a dark blue night, where not even celestial bodies were to be seen. But there was a Power of Love in the making, and there were other, already finished Universes. The speck of dust Jan knew nothing of this, but the dancing wind brought voices that sang the song of Creation, even if I neither heard nor understood.
Then the Light came, and in it was the Power of Love. The Infinite Spirit that prevails over our Universe had divided its power, so that it flowed through the indigo-colored darkness. The speck of dust Janne was pulled into the Light and grew inside this living, creative, ensouled Light to an energy, a ray with a glimpse of a greater consciousness. But yet he was only very young energy.
The radiating Power of Love had come to our Universe to stay. A small breath from its glowing center was transformed into a tone – and the Sound was born. The Power of Love divided itself and became dual, male and female, yin and yang. Particles were thrown out of the Light and went out into space with a marvelous speed and force. Throughout eons of different evolutionary stages, they eventually formed stars and planets in our galaxy.
At First Came the Invisible Worlds
The breathing of Love from this tremendous Being started the Creation. At first the invisible worlds were created. All of the visible, physical celestial bodies are in reality young. Even younger was I when I took a rest in my own energy stream while The Highest Consciousness was in the act of working with the Process of Creation. I was there in the Light, and a remarkable scene was rolled up to my still dreaming consciousness.
The invisible worlds were populated first. I was lying as an energy form, observing this unique act of creation. The dual characters of The Infinite Spirit only appeared as vague contours in the Light. Since I also only was light energy I could approach them, and then I perceived a thought that permeated their radiance. It was a beautiful thought that expressed a longing to populate the innermost light world with the same wonderful beauty that The Highest Spirit himself had brought to his Universe. This divine beauty was to be reflected in all that was created!
At first the Seraphim were created in the innermost vicinity of the Godhead (see the Cosmic Map). The tone that sounded in the Cosmos formed with its rings the most delightful beings. These beings became the servants of music, those who conduct the world of tones. It was a kind of mutual making, an origin of sound that eventually created the music of the spheres. The Seraphim were slender and transparent. Their fair hair floated around like a glittering light in an air that had not yet any sun, wind, or rain. They were the souls of the sacred music, and their whole existence was all about expressing the countless faces of Love in tones.
After that I saw the whole Angelic Realm emerge before my astonished “eyes,” which were not yet eyes, but merely perceptions. I was fidgeting, shaking myself and trying to tell the Universe that I soon wanted to be born. I wasn’t satisfied with fluttering about on energy waves without a body, without being able to communicate. I, too, longed to be created. But it wasn’t yet time for the energy waves.
The angels got their special division in different Realms. There were seven Elohim and seven Archangels. To begin with, the Elohim were commissioned to govern planets and stars in the whole galaxy. The archangels became the creative order in the Angelic Realm. There are thousands of different groups of angels, so a strict organization is required there. The Cherubim were the lightweights of Joy. They were – and are – messengers between the stars. I saw them emerge and develop into continuously happy and rosy small beings who always were willing to share their positive gifts with others. For a long time I rested in the light from the paradisiacal surroundings of the angels without understanding what I wanted, because I yet had no unique soul, but only formed part of the Oneness in the Light.
The Fall of Lucifer
But there was a disturbance added in all this light energy. I only felt it as a cold draught in the Love energy where I rested. But my teachers told me with voices that were thoughts, that were perceptions, that were sensations in the sea of light. We were characters in an eternal existence until the winds of change came riding, when the centuries started to become centuries and it was time for the birth of the physical creation. The following happened among the angels:
One of the archangels, the one who was called the Light Bearer or Lucifer, became wrathful because he thought his power was too limited. He made demands, which were refused, because the prevailing order could be disturbed. In a fury, he left his position as an archangel and created his own kingdom. Many angels followed him, because he was greatly loved. They believed he had been expelled from the heavenly abodes. But his brothers and his Father couldn’t understand what suddenly was the matter with him. No one decided anything without the consent of the Father. Why wasn’t he satisfied with his fortunes to pass on the Light, to nurture it, and to develop it?
In the beginning Lucifer was not evil, just haughty. He never planned to leave his Father’s house for good. His brothers were prepared to hug him lovingly when he came back. But neither he nor any of the angels that followed him returned. In Lucifer’s new kingdom there was a kind of light eclipse, and out of it evil emerged. Slowly but steadily, creeps and wretches were created that should never have been allowed to exist, and at the head of them Lucifer created a leader. From the beginning it was a defiant game, but the leader became evil because Lucifer, as a result of his escape from the heavenly surroundings, had lost his gift to create in love. Love didn’t reach into his kingdom.
The leader had horns like a goat, and he was called the Evil One or the Devil. He grew in power and strength, and soon he usurped power in Lucifer’s kingdom. He imprisoned the former angel and put him in a castle on the outskirts of the kingdom, where he would sit to this day if his regret during thousands of years finally had not brought him back to the Angels of Light. Now he is forgiven, and he works at saving the Earth. Nobody knows the roads of evil better than him, and therefore he is particularly suited to oppose it.
Yin and Yang – Duality and Polarity
Since I, Jan, beyond the floating light energy had a soul that experienced all this as a repetition of life, I put questions to both my teachers. I could hear them and perceive their nearness, but not yet see them. I wondered how the angels were created from the beginning, if they had different genders or how they otherwise multiplied. With a soft laughter, Shala’s voice answered me:
“You have experienced the first tone and keynote. At that time motion already existed in the Universe, and in this motion we found ourselves as more and more conscious energies. From some of these energy rays or energy points, the Great Spirit created the angels. Exactly how it happened is impossible to know. He simply brought the ability to create from his own origin. Before human beings were created, the angels were just angels. Later they were divided into many different groups. Right from the beginning there were male and female angels, but also hermaphrodite beings. There must always exist two poles, yin and yang, since the Great Spirit is also dual. The duality and the polarity are included as laws in our Cosmos. The Love between all His creations is so strong that it unites them all, and the multiplication that takes place is not the same as the one man refers to with the words “sexual act.” A process of creation of unparalleled beauty takes place with the angels. Amid song, music, and colorful plays of light, the duals are united in such a way that a new angelic being is formed.
“The angels have, like humans, diversified gifts, and they are given their tasks according to their special talents. They themselves have built up the Angelic Realm from the beginning. When you get to see it, you will probably be amazed at its resemblance to Earth, both with regards to Nature and settlements, although in clearer colors and lighter materials.”
The First Humans – The People of the Sun and the Stars
“But how were humans created?” was my next question. “Was it as the Bible tells, that Adam was the first human and Eve was created from his ribs?”
“There is no similarity whatsoever between what your Bible says and the original, ancient Truth,” answered the voice of Zar. “You will experience the Truth eventually, you little spark of energy in the great Light! We are with you now, as we were then.”
Suddenly I felt myself pulled out of the light, where I had been floating around for so long, and I was led into another, softer light. A large and indescribably beautiful shape was talking, and the words were echoing in me like a booming trombone. I felt a reverence on the verge of sacred worship. I just wanted to float into this tremendous Being of Love.
“I have created the angels in beauty and harmony,” explained the Divine One. “They are the most beautiful ones I know. Because I love them so highly and they are images of my power, I want to create the inhabitants of the planets to be their equals. There are already planets where species live who have come into existence through development. They have no souls, but are very technically gifted. Now I want to give the soul a dwelling that is worthy of all the love, beauty, and joy it contains, and therefore I say, ‘Let There Be Man!’”
The gigantic accumulation of energies which, like magnets, had been pulled to the enormous, radiating shape of the Creator, all quaked when a wonderful tone accompanied his words and burst into something that I could liken to giant fireworks. These fireworks were firing in the middle of the strong cosmic light. From this sparkling, flashing, fantastic light, characters came swimming, floating, and gliding. At first I felt like a spectator, but then I felt myself growing.
I looked down at my body. I had been given a body! It wasn’t yet distinct and dense, but it had a head, arms, and legs like the other beings that crowded around me. We were surrounded by lovely angels who were singing and dancing and spreading their wings around us. Next to me, both my teachers floated. They were also a little diffuse, but fully recognizable. They took my hands, and in the twinkling of an eye, in a fraction of a second, we were transferred from the sunny energy waves of this indeterminable existence to a ground made of soil and clay, of foaming waves in a clear-blue sea and rustling in lofty treetops.
Zio and the Migration to Earth
The angels stayed with us for some time in order to show us the way about. We had come to the planet of the “Indians”: the magic, beautiful, windswept Zio that was one of the first inhabited planets in our solar system. It was not time for Earth yet! I was not born from a mother’s womb, I was born from the energy fusions of the Light, and so it was for all of us. We were thin, light beings who suddenly had been placed on a physical ground, even if Zio’s ground didn’t possess our Earth’s degree of density. Before I was “planted” on Zio, our Earth was partly a glowing mass that floated in outer space together with other globes. There were no square or elliptical planets. The globe – i.e., the circle – was the sign of the eternal origin.
We looked at each other. We observed each other. We were yin and yang. We observed the angels. We listened and learned. We were all so beautiful! Our hair, that in the beginning had been fair and almost without color, darkened more and more in those early days on Zio. Our features were no longer identical; our looks were as different as the streaming waters of the turbulent rapids in our new forests. When we got as far as building houses, digging in the light soil and piling up the shimmering stones on top of each other, our appearances were more and more characterized by different traits. It became apparent that in our consciousnesses were many different talents and gifts. One was artistic, another was musical, and a third was a gifted craftsman.
The angels showed us how to build, how the women could weave and sew, how we could use the wild animals and tame them to be domestic animals. There existed no evil, no quarrel about our daily bread, which became all the more substantial. On the other hand, there was a lot of love, joy, and fellowship.
All the time we remembered the Great Spirit, and the angels reminded us if we forgot. But yet I wasn’t Jan, the poet and the joker standing at the gate to the Ethereal World telling stories to his earthly friends. If you hear somebody say, “Jan has gone up many steps and traveled across many levels,” then it’s wrong. There are no steps and no levels here, only an infinite Oneness of different Realms and sections. Study the Cosmic Map on page 3, dear readers. In the middle is the Infinite Spirit who floats above everything in order to supervise his creation.
“Don’t pile it on too much,” Shala butted in on me. “You were telling us about Zio. What happened there? Did you become completely physical?”
“Yes,” I answered, “but it took time, even though time didn’t exist there either. We lived in a kind of frequency beyond all computation of time. I know that you and Zar belonged to the angels who helped us. But we didn’t create any religion from the knowledge we received. We were true to the Great Spirit and his laws of Love.
“The glowing mass that remained on Zio was covered with mountains and soil, and the planet grew more and more physical. Our thin bodies, which until now had worked to create a habitable planet, became, as I mentioned, more compact and more visible. We became something to grab, that could create and form with body and soul in harmony, to laugh, to smile, and to cry – but only with joy, because sorrow was not yet invented.
“When we were standing one day on the luscious green grass, with the wind rustling trees growing up around us offering us lovely fruits, we felt like dancing and singing. The interaction with the Beings of Nature was important on Zio. Every tree, every flower, the high mountain, and the singing rapids all had their devas, and we all talked the same language. We constantly communicated with them, exchanged confidences, and helped each other in every way.
“We were proud of our descent from the Great Spirit. He was our one true ruler. We revered the dual Flame of Life, and in spite of our spreading across the great planet, our rituals resembled each other. We were dependent on the Sun, which for us was holy, as was the Moon. We had Sun- and Moon-dances, star-festivities, and the celebration-days of the Great Spirit. Death was unknown to us. Each life lasted about a thousand years, and then we went through a reviving process and started all over again! We were created from living energy, and therefore we were in contact with all other living energies in the entire Cosmos.
“Why do I call us Indians? It’s because I want to make it easier for the reader to understand our origin, because it extends all the way to the Native American tribes of today. The expression ‘Indian’ is totally incorrect, as you probably know. It was created by Columbus when he landed in the fifteenth century on the coast of America and presumed he had arrived in India. Our real name is ‘The People of the Sun and the Stars’ and the Native Americans of today call us ‘Mu luwetam,’ the first people. We lived in symbiosis with the whole Cosmos until the big catastrophe happened.
“A meteorite was on its way straight towards Zio. We were situated in the middle of our galaxy. When this happened, Earth was at about the same physical level as Zio, but it had no human inhabitants. The damage to Zio was unavoidable. The meteorite struck with a terrible force on one side of our unfortunate planet. We had calculated the approximate impact point and we had evacuated half our planet. Already at that time there were what you call UFOs, and we got messages from the Great Spirit that those who were evacuated would go further on and inhabit planet Earth. I was one of those ‘refugees.’ Zio was badly hurt. Due to the awful thrust, the planet was sent so many light years away that it ‘landed’ on the outskirts of our galaxy. There it still remains and, according to the messages we receive from there, it has regained most of its former appearance, except for a gigantic sea that was formed where the meteorite struck.
“So, we emigrants landed on Earth. Flora and fauna spread their pristine abundance among mountains and waters. In those days, Earth had more water and fewer high mountains than Zio. One animal species was so human-like that it was walking upright and had developed arms with hands that could grip. The intelligence of these animals was limited, but they lived an unobtrusive life in an environment that most closely resembled the rain forests of our time.
“We, who were created in the image of angels, became the first human inhabitants on Earth. We tried to live as we had been taught on our own planet, and we spent a long time on construction in great fellowship. But our new life wasn’t completely without problems. Many of our young women were abducted by the human-like apes. Children were born and they were the mixture that became the basis of present-time humanity. We tried to make friends with them, but soon jealousy and envy arose within this ‘hybrid race’ and their hatred was directed against us.
“Suddenly death became a fact that we couldn’t ignore. The lives of the ape humans didn’t even last a hundred years. We couldn’t understand that. We isolated ourselves from them and built embankments to prevent them from encroaching on our ground. With that, ownership and hostility were established on Earth. We who had been living protected in our own immortality and with our strong laws of Love – we became weak and vulnerable. The new way of thinking brought illness and death. The lifespan diminished. The incarnation-cycle changed to its present state: a life of approximately one hundred years, and periods of living in other worlds between lives. In this way, the Worlds and Realms outside the Ethereal World on the Cosmic Map were formed. Like that, humans started to become humans!”
4. The Lost Millennium Kingdom
It was almost terrible for the observing Janne-self to get a higher awareness of what had happened to me from the time of the birth of Earth – and even further back. Still it felt like I had a piece of soil from Earth in my pocket, and my astonishment before the experiences at the Angels’ School was almost mixed with a feeling of fear. I had learned so many new things, and not all of them were positive. Such news was that planets in other galaxies had developed a kind of strange gods. They were highly evolved beings with knowledge far beyond the human level. They had the ability to create – and they created! Their work wasn’t malicious, but they controlled energies between the planets that opened new paths for humans.
On one of the stars of Orion was a power-hungry ruler called Godonda. He dreamed of conquering Earth, and therefore he traveled to our planet in order to subdue the tribes living there. He wanted to be looked upon as a god, and he succeeded by frightening the humans to worship. In his wake followed all the minor deities, who actually were the lords of various phenomena. For long periods of time the good God who we call the Great Spirit was neglected, because Godonda promised power and glory to those who followed him. That was not the way of the Great Spirit. He talked to the hearts of humans and gave them free will. Unconsciously free will was imprisoned in Godonda’s power, and humans were led in the wrong direction from the beginning. Godonda divided the humans into different religions – for instance the Nordic Asa faith, the Greek and Egyptian belief in gods, Judaism, etc. – so that the Great Spirit would lose his foothold. But he didn’t, he waited and bided his time and sent down one of his highest angels to Earth in order to teach humans how to live according to the Laws of Love.
Godonda’s minor deities, for instance the Nordic, the Greek, and the Egyptian ones, became ambassadors in Islam, in Buddhism, and in Mohammedanism. There are gods in cultures all over the globe, but the One, Infinite Spirit has been abused under the name of “God.” In the name of “God,” brother is baited against brother, and father against son. In the name of “God,” the worst crimes are committed, where hatred and violence walk hand in hand with war and profits of all kinds.
I have read many books about Creation in my earthly life. Even more of them have probably been released since then. Books on Creation flood the market, and all of them say different things and use different terms. While I was pondering this, Zar intervened in my thoughts.
“Stop it, my friend,” he warned me in a friendly way. “All the books you are talking about are true in their own way. By everything being a Unity, and everything being part of this Unity both from a cosmic and a planetary point of view, then everything is positive. Every Truth is valid as a Truth if it originates from an honest, wise, and loving heart.”
“But how will you be able to understand, then?” I protested. “What a mess it becomes if you accept everything! Where does Godonda come into this Unity?”
“You must take in what your heart tells you is right. Keep in mind that the knowledge you acquire in the Angelic Realm is dancing a line-dance in the Cosmos, and that this dance includes both gods and humans, now and then and later on. Each has its place, its task, but only a few will succeed in striking your heart with Cupid’s arrow.”
“Everything is so new to me, but I believe you.”
“That is why Shala and I are at your side. What has been shown to you in images and in experiences is our version of the Creation, as we and you have experienced it. Other consciousnesses will perhaps feel everything in a different way, and then they will come up with another story. An opal contains many colors: for one person it appears to be mostly blue, another person only sees the rose-colored tinges, and a third one claims that the stone is green. There are so many variants of the same thing. Don’t get hung-up on the little things; always try to see the wholeness. The details are everywhere, but they don’t form a wholeness until they are put together. For you, millions of years were a very varying sea of perceptions, light- and sound-experiences. Now, continue with your memories from the first time on Earth.”
“I remember that we lived in villages where we had a ‘mother’ and a ‘father’ who showed us the way about. They kept their ethereal form longer than the rest of us. We were allowed to keep our thousand-year-long lives as long as we didn’t fall victim to the human apes or didn’t catch any of the diseases that nowadays are regarded as human qualities: hatred, envy, jealousy, greed, lust for power, etc. The innermost groups of The People of the Sun and the Stars had to meet secretly in sacred places that were hidden in caves or underground. We could never be sure that the ape people or wild animals would not attack us – but it was easier to handle the wild animals than the wild human beasts.
“Some of the original sacred places where our groups assembled still remain today. They are located in Canada, New Mexico, Peru, the Andes, the Himalayas, the North Pole, and the South Pole. Even if sea and land areas have moved and totally changed their position, these places apply approximately. We have left memories behind that humans still haven’t managed to interpret. More discoveries will be made in the future.
“When a human had reached the limit of a thousand years, he or she had to go through a ritual before the ‘refreshment.’ If the person could pass the tests that were imposed, they would continue into the next thousand-year period. More and more of us failed. We called them ‘emigrants.’ I never thought I would be one of them – not until my ‘fall’ was a fact.
“The eternal female has always captivated me, captured me, and led me into a butterfly-dance that sometimes ended badly. Perhaps the boy Jan had begun to awaken in me even in those days, because one day, when I was walking in the countryside near my home, I caught sight of a human girl with long, golden hair. I realized she was a daughter of the ape people’s mixtures. She was very beauteous, sitting near the brook, washing her feet. When I passed very near her she playfully splashed some water on me. The whole thing ended badly. Did she seduce me or I her? I hardly had time to think before she disappeared like a flash without telling me her name. I got a bad conscience and never told anybody about it. I pushed it down in my subconscious mind as if it never had happened. I loved my sunny family at home, the whole group of loving humans who carried the same ancient wisdom as I did.
“Some time afterwards – a few months, maybe a couple of years – I met the girl with the golden hair again at the same brook in the same forest. Again I was driven towards her by a consuming fire, and once more she awakened my young male power in something between lovemaking and fighting. I tried to get rid of this raging hot current that flowed into me at the sight of her half-naked body. The current became a sea of love-agony, hotter than all conceptions of hell, filled by an insatiable hunger – an obsessed current that like the lava from a volcanic eruption was rolling down the warning slopes of my senses. When the fire slowly cooled down and we were lying on the grass in each other’s arms she suddenly loosened herself and disappeared like the last time. But after a short while she returned with a small child: a white-skinned boy with rosy cheeks and eyes of small blue seas. ‘My son,’ I thought. ‘My son with this wonderfully wild woman of the primeval forest?’
“Before I had time to calm down, the whole picture vanished and I slowly floated in towards the temple where we performed the thousand-year ritual. There my judgment awaited me.”
“You didn’t pass your test,” I was told. “Why did you make the same mistake again? Somewhere in the wasteland beyond our forests the woman with the golden hair now lives together with the son she bore you. You must find them. You may not remain in our group. You will not be a thousand years old, you are vulnerable, and your life can never last longer than one hundred years. In most cases Earth humans die much earlier than that for various reasons, but that will be your experience. Remember, my son, that we love you very much, but you have to leave us. One day you will meet us again in another light world and then you may choose for yourself what you want to do with your eternal life. Until then, farewell!”
Lucifer created a new world for himself when he was rejected. Now it was my turn. But my world was not evil – only filled with strong earthly feelings: the wild fever of sexuality and the cold graves of disappointment and self-contempt. I set off walking and tried to bring forth the happy, careless fellow, the clown and joy-bringer within myself. But underneath jokes and laughter, which became more and more coarse in the world of the Earth humans, was the sad and lonely wanderer.
My walk was alone and adventurous. The memory of the other world here on Earth hurt for a long time. I searched for the truth. I searched for the golden hair and the blue-eyed child. When I finally, after many years of searching, found them, she was living together with an ape-man. She had given birth to several children, and my son was no longer among them. I wanted to go on looking for the boy, but the ape-man killed me. He represented evil and jealousy – that is the Godonda-power. That was my first death, before all the other thousands of deaths.
I lost the Millennium Kingdom and had to wait until the present century to get back my immortality in a time that doesn’t exist! Upon returning to the Angels’ School where I acquired all this knowledge about my “fall,” I admit that it was a shock to find out that I had failed at such an early stage of my own “heavenly play.”
The Tale of Toja
I wandered through many kingdoms, some of them dark, some of them light, but in most of them the inhabitants lived a calm and strenuous life, with a chief or a ruler leading them. These kingdoms were eventually called “tribes.”
As you wander about aimlessly, you get to listen to many strange stories. There are various tales of the Flood, not only about old Noah or the Gilgamesh epic of the Sumerians, but many others, which I believe prove that great floods really have occurred during several epochs of Earth’s history. I was particularly attached to one of these legends – that mostly is about a woman, for a change. It is a beautiful and sad tale that shows the triumph of the male self-esteem, and into the bargain a very dishonest triumph!
When this tale begins, The People of the Sun and the Stars had already established their kingdoms on Earth, many thousands of years ago. The big disruption had started. Humans had gone too far in their desire for power and envy, which led them further on the path of evil and crime. The fight for power was at its worst in a kingdom that was surrounded by the sea but which covered a vast area.
In this kingdom lived a woman called Toja, with her husband and three children – two sons and one daughter. Toja was a lineal descendant of the goddess Helia’s family (see page 167), and her knowledge of the potentialities of the inner world was entitled to respect. The inhabitants of this kingdom regarded her as a very wise woman. Her husband, Mendor, was not as gifted as she was. He worked with the soil, which was fertile and yielded rich harvests. Their two sons, Jap and Sojn, helped their father, but they also willingly listened to wise advice from their mother. From the time the boys and their little sister Ilva were born, they got to listen to their mother’s remarkable stories every evening. The father, however, dismissed these stories as women’s gossip, but they consisted of legends where courage, strength, and love always led to the right paths and where evil lurked and had to be chased away.
One day civil war came to the country. The inhabitants turned against each other, they told tales about each other, and made fowls of no feathers. Their hatred and envy resulted in mutual informing and reporting of closely related persons and a whole succession of murders and executions. Toja and her family lived on the coast. One day she got an inner message telling her that the hour of reckoning was near for her people. The inner voice commanded her to build a house with a floatable base – a kind of houseboat. She informed her husband of this message, but he just laughed and called her a crazy woman.
However, Toja’s sons had heard what she said to their father. They were strong and clever teenagers, both of them. Ilva was only ten years old, but all three of them helped their mother build the boat. It took them several months. Mendor scoffed at them and made fun of the houseboat. He assured them that if they launched the houseboat it would immediately sink.
Ilva and Toja brought the timber, and the boys did the carpentry and hammering. When the boat was standing there ready, the inhabitants of the village came to see it and laughed scornfully at it. But Toja remained silent, because she had been told that the boat must be launched the following morning. Then their adventurous voyage would begin. The inner voice commanded her to collect a male and female animal of as many kinds as she could find, and bring them aboard the houseboat. Her children helped her as always, while her husband and the villagers carried on scoffing at them.
Some of the spectators tried to board the boat for a prank, but as soon as they came near it, it was as if an invisible wall prevented them. They began to mutter about sorcery and evil powers, but it didn’t help. What was meant to come aboard came aboard – nothing else. Mendor fled into their old house when he noticed the envy and repugnance that the villagers showed towards his family. There he was safe, because nothing worked against either their house or the houseboat, neither fire nor steel. At last the villagers slouched away, but they threatened to return the next morning.
The next morning at dawn, the whole family except Mendor boarded the houseboat. He refused to follow them on such a mad ride. Toja’s heart ached when she saw his lonely figure on the beach, while the houseboat floated on the waves as if it was created for them. She asked her inner counselor if she was allowed to return to fetch her husband. The answer was yes, but it came with a serious warning. Her husband’s heart was not pure enough to follow her destiny. If she acted out of love the counselor couldn’t refuse her this, but the consequences could be completely different than what was predetermined. Toja loved her sullen, ignorant husband and she asked her sons to turn back. They did so reluctantly, but Ilva cried and yelled, “Mother, this will bring us bad luck! Don’t turn back!”
But the boat turned back and fetched Mendor. He was taken aboard against his will, shouting and kicking. At last he gave in to his wife’s earnest entreaties and declarations of love and he sat down sullenly at the helm.
Barely was Mendor aboard when the surge appeared, and it was not just any surge, It was a wave that covered the whole horizon and that crossed the country at a furious speed and drowned the whole kingdom with its enormous force. Toja’s houseboat cleaved right through the wave and out on the other side. There the boat rested quietly and peacefully and made itself comfortable on the mirror-like water. Toja knelt and deeply thanked the good Power that had saved the lives of her family.
Meanwhile, as all this happened, Mendor fell asleep. Toja carefully loosened his grip on the helm and took over. Her inner voice showed her the right direction. She steered straight into the rosy arms of the sunset. Everybody on the houseboat fell asleep.
When they woke up, the houseboat was floating peacefully in a shallow ripple near to a bright strip of land. Lots of humans were standing on the beach, waving their hands. To her surprise, Toja saw that they were the same skin color as her: the reddish color warmed by the Sun. Her husband was as pale as the Moon, but the skin colors had been very mixed in their former kingdom. The humans on the beach honored them with flowers and aromatic twigs of an unknown herb. Apparently, they were expected. Toja let out all the animals from the lower part of the houseboat. They attracted an enormous attention on the beach. The people knelt and banged their heads in the sand and sang and laughed.
Toja realized that she and her family were mistaken for gods, not least of all because of the unusual animals. These people obviously didn’t know any of the species that had been living in the family’s former kingdom. And soon it was obvious that Toja’s husband, Mendor, was honored as a strange high god, perhaps because of his pale skin color.
The family soon realized that they had landed in a place where the people were loving and benevolent, with an ancient culture – but without a leader. When the houseboat arrived, the leader of the people had just died, and there was no successor to him. Mendor was mistaken for a gift from the gods to the people. He was put on a flowery throne, and his newly appointed subjects fussed over him and fulfilled all his wishes. Toja and the children were also met with much respect and friendliness, but it couldn’t be denied that Mendor was the principal figure – and that suited him! He shamelessly took advantage of his new position, and his wishes solely satisfied his ego.
Toja’s inner voice asked her if she now understood why Mendor should have been left to the devastation of the surge. It had been intended that Toja would be “the goddess,” who lovingly would lead the lost people in the beautiful new kingdom. Her son, Jap, had inherited her ability of inner vision and was meant to succeed her. Through her misdirected compassion, she had now turned the energies in the wrong direction. The inner voice was very distressed, but Toja stubbornly insisted that her beloved husband certainly would rule the country in a good way. In addition, she was at his side, and she would help him lead all future projects.
But soon Toja became aware that her voice didn’t count. Mendor chose the most beautiful women at his court, and he lived a promiscuous life with them in luxury and abundance. Toja grieved, and her sons became more and more irritated at their father.
Many moons had not shown their pale yellow rays when Toja was given the message to appear before her husband. He glared at her from top to bottom and complained that she had disturbed an important meeting the other day. In reality, she had surprised him when he was in bed with two women, and that had really upset her. Her inner voice had asked her to take the helm in the kingdom before things went the same way as they had in their previous homeland. Strengthened by the strict exhortation of her inner voice, Toja dared to reproach her husband for his loose living, and attract his attention on necessary measures required in the kingdom. Mendor immediately commanded her to kneel in front of his throne. She obeyed out of love for her husband, unaware of his plans. Before she had time to ask him for an answer, the sword of the executioner fell down on her neck and separated her head from her body.
Toja, who, like Noah, had brought an ark into port in order to save a part of the Earth’s species, was sacrificed because she was a loving and defenseless woman. It was the first time the white man had removed the rightful owner from her lot by violence – the first time of many, many.
Toja’s children had been silent and horror-struck witnesses to what had occurred. Jap brought his sister and brother and escaped out into the woods and then up into the mountains, far away from their father’s reign of terror. When they stopped at a clear and fresh mountain stream to quench their thirst, Jap heard his mother’s voice loud and clear:
“Walk straight ahead until you see a small hut. Enter the hut and greet politely the man sitting on the earthen floor. Tell him my name and then let him speak.”
The children did as their mother said, and sure enough, they arrived at a strange hut, built in front of a large cave. The man in the sun-yellow cloak greeted them with kindness and compassion and gave them plenty to eat. His name was Ulon, and he was a very wise man. He lived hidden from Mendor’s dispatched men, because he knew that better times were to come. He loved his people but complained about their weakness and lack of courage.
The children stayed with him for many lunar months, and he taught Jap a secret form of combat. He made Jap a warrior – not just any warrior, but a warrior of Righteousness. When Jap was ready, Ulon sent him back to his father. Mendor was unprepared for the appearance of his son and immediately called for his guards. Jap just stood there, looking at his pitiful father. Mendor’s head started to nod and he looked as if he fell asleep, but he had a horrible expression on his face. Finally, he fell flat on the floor. He was dead. His evil power had been unable to resist Jap’s good power.
Those who witnessed this scene proclaimed Jap as his father’s successor at once. The inhabitants in this kingdom were used to obeying someone, or it would be chaos. But Jap became a good leader for his people. He called for his sister and brother and Ulon, and together this quartet governed the kingdom until it became a model for other countries. And you could say that it was Toja who indirectly accomplished this happy ending and that her mission was fulfilled after all.
That’s how this tale was told to me, and I think it is more interesting than Noah’s Ark. So, I prefer to sing “Mother Toja, Mother Toja was an honored wife.” [Translation note: rather than “Old man Noah, Old man Noah was an honored man.” Swedish song originally written by Carl Michael Bellman.] This legend anyhow shows that the antagonism between the red and the white races started much earlier than we have imagined. At the same time, we shouldn’t forget that Toja’s children were a mixture of red and white, and that mixture resulted in a peaceful and loving outcome.
Customer reviews,
5.0 out of 5 stars
Thought provoking wonderfully reassuring.
Joyful book explaining what happens when we die or rather when we leave our earthly bodies. Told with humour our guide explains all the realms and how positive thoughts and meditation can dramatically improve our well being. An inspiring book for those who fear of the Earth knowing there are evolved beings constantly working with love to safe guard not only our planet but the universe.
5.0 out of 5 stars
A break from this reality true or false who cares.
Honestly I have no idea whether I believe anything in Mariana’s books. But, and it is a big but, they are very good reads and some of the stuff she includes is or has been revealed by other sources. So if you want to read them soley as fantasy then good luck and you will enjoy them. But if you want to read them as pointers to a truth sometimes forgotten then also good reading as you will enjoy them also. Eg : win win.
Ian Fletcher
5.0 out of 5 stars
Great book with plenty insightful information. The possibilities are infinite and thought provoking.
It would be a shame if everyone did not read this book and then do something about what is happening on our planet earth.
Customer reviews,
5.0 out of 5 stars
Beautiful and Enlightening….
This book, is both entertaining,and filled with Great lessons. To be learned, with anyone, who has an Open Mind. I actually could see in my mind’s eye some of the places Jan was seeing. I Highly recommend this book 👍
Madeline Rodriguez
5.0 out of 5 stars
A wonderous Angelic Adventure
Jan’s very human story continues to impress me. I loved his journey and explanations on the realms and Cosmic Map. His sense of humor was the best and so not expected from an Angel. Beautiful words. Thank you!
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Angel’s wings
Beautiful book.
kuldeep kumar
5.0 out of 5 stars
Beautiful wisdom
I absolutely loved Mariana’s Agartha and this book too doesn’t fail to give the much needed wisdom for humanity. Every chapter was a new adventure, an absolute delight! A big thank you to both Mariana and Jan.
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Excellent!!! Five stars are not enough!
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Jan and Marianna Stjerna awaken our sleeping souls and speak directly to the heart. If your intuition tells you to read this book, do so and enjoy the beautiful journey.