A Message from the Masters

January 12, 2025

Dear Ones,

Love is the answer to all questions. What Love means to you and what that looks like in your life as you move through it, is your discovery to make. No one will move through life expressing as Love quite like you do, for you are totally unique and your expression of Love as you answer the questions arising from the life situations you face is brand new. Hatred and anger have a very predictable outcome, separation is nothing new, the flavors are all the same.

Love, however, leads you to Unity and connection from which All arises anew, which has no predictable outcome except that it serves the Good of All, always. What that looks like is your unique dance as the Creator Incarnate, unified and harmonized with All There Is. What will your dance look like? Where will it go? No one knows. This is life on the leading edge of Creation.

Dear Ones, when you are truly connected to All that You Are, this is not scary. It is exhilarating, exciting and magical. Only when you are expressing as ego, is the unknown scary, even terrifying. And so, you stay away from who you really are for fear of the unknown, instead of embracing the mystery and magic of life that is serving to deliver you to your highest potential expression in every moment. Not flowing with this leaves you stuck and stagnant in old ways that no longer serve you, emotions of resentment and abandonment, blame and guilt run rampant and you have to constantly compensate with balancing acts….. This is not who you are. Stop for a minute, right now, and find the Love in what you are doing. Look at your life through the eyes of God, for even if it’s not exactly how you would like it, you’ll be amazed at how that can shift in an instant with a change of heart.

Dear Ones, the moment you can own that all life is Perfection, is the moment you will experience life as Perfection, as your dance wishes it to be. Love is the fabric upon which your dance unfolds.

Let us guide you to the inside of you, where you will find the Truth for yourself.

Lord Emanuel & The Collective channeled through Gillian Shaw 2025-01-11

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