A Message from the Masters

January 25, 2025

Dear Ones, what is your life really about? Did you ever stop to ask yourself? And we mean this in every moment of your life. Why are you doing what you are doing? This is THE most important question you could ask yourself. Why? Because if you are not aware of the purpose of your action then you are not consciously choosing to do something for a reason for you do not know the reason. Why would you waste a moment of your life not knowing why you are doing what you are doing? It is of vital importance for it is the simple key to being in alignment with All There Is. It puts you in a state of non-opposition to All There Is. It literally lights you up when you are consciously aware of what you are doing and why in any given moment. The profundity of this cannot be over stated. When you are in alignment with any task you are doing you are saying “YES” to life on every level. This aligns you with the Truth of Life, no matter how mundane the task.

Why am I cleaning the toilet? Do you even notice your state of Being when you are cleaning your toilet? What are you thinking? Are you wishing you could pay someone else to do this task or are you thinking you have better things to do? Are you wondering which other members of your family are so messy when they do the toilet and how on Earth do certain bodily fluids ends up in places they should not? Are you worried about the chemicals you are using or are you using products that you think are kind to the blessed Earth? Do you wish everyone would do the same as you and be responsible for the pollution of our water systems? Or are you grateful that you have hands that work and eyes that can see and a body that successfully deals with what you choose to put inside it so efficiently and without complaint? Are you marveling at the feat of engineering a toilet actually is and how blessed you are that you have running water in plentiful supply that you can afford to use a huge quantity of clean water to flush away your waste? Do you consider where the waste goes? Are you thinking of all the people employed to deal with your waste and how kind it is that they get out of bed every day to keep the pumps running and the water cleaning systems going so that the waste is treated properly? Do you trust them to put clean water back into the system or do you know where your water even goes? Can you clean your toilet and be in awe and gratitude for all of it because it works and you are using it? No matter how good or bad your judge the whole system to be? Are you grateful for their support?

Such a simple act as cleaning the toilet has a wealth of opportunity for you to say YES to all life or to miss out on the opportunity to be lit up with amazement or to resist life, which will
eventually wear you out and assist in the breakdown of your health. Dear Ones, every task is your choice, every moment an opportunity. Are you saying YES? Can you widen your horizon to see that all life is taking care of you Always?

This is the Truth of Life. Align and Thrive. Now. No matter what you are doing and how you are doing it. Look for it, for it is in Everything. This is what it means to awaken.

Come join us. Let us Be with you if you do not understand or feel resistance to our words somewhere. Let us help you See the Truth. Of You. Of Life.

You Are Love and you Are Loved. Now.

Lord Emanuel & The Collective channeled through Gillian Shaw 2025-01-23

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