“Emanuel” is the celestial Being known as Sananda who lived a life on Earth as Yeshua ben Joseph and is known as Jesus Christ. “The Collective” are twelve Masters who have also lived and “mastered” a life time on Earth. They form a collective intelligence that now reach out their hands to assist those of us on the same path, awakening to the “Master within”.

The Twelve are beings that you will have heard of – Mother Mary, Mary Magdalene, John the Baptist, St. Francis of Assisi, and many whose names you will not have heard of. They all are here to oversee the great shift of consciousness that is happening on our planet at this time. They wish to impart wisdom and practical assistance to elevate you in your frequency so that you may permanently transform and walk the Earth as they did as Masters of this reality. Their message is one of equality, that the time of the Guru is over and the time to embrace the Truth is here. We are all Creator Incarnate no matter our background, colour, race, religion, social status.

We are all the Sun of God


“We have communicated to your planet in unfathomable ways. In countless ways we have communicated the Truth to this planet. We have done this in every culture. We have done this across every age. You have always had assistance from us to guide you, to hand you the Truth of your existence and it has been taken on in many forms. It has also been lost for a long time, deliberately hidden so that you may fall deeper into the darkness.

But it’s time now for the Truth to be resurrected, polished off, reiterated for now. Much of the scriptures of the past in every religion, in every culture have either been lost or misunderstood, or distorted in their meaning. And so we now sit in a soup of confusion. We are here to return the Truth straight to you. Now is the time that the Truth becomes clear, the Truth becomes obvious, and the Truth is delivered in a way that is understood by the modern world today. The Truth is the Truth. It has always been the same. It can be said in a myriad of ways, and it is said in a myriad of ways in order to be received by that which is hearing it. So the words may be different, but the frequency of the Truth is the same. It always is the same, and you know it when you hear it.”

Extract from the very first webinar, 20 September 2020


Updated for modern times

“Dear and Precious One,

The Lord’s Prayer is a powerful prayer due to the collective attention placed upon it for so many years. Its values stand the test of time because they are in alignment with the Truth. We wish you to receive a more updated version that aligns with the Truth that we, The Masters, are bringing to you at this time to serve you in a world that has changed dramatically since this profound prayer was written.

We invite you to begin your day with this more empowered version that aligns with who you are in modern times.”

Our Father who art in Heaven

I acknowledge my Higher Self who is in a higher dimensional reality

Hallowed be thy Name

You are my Beloved and One with the Almighty Mind and power of the Universe

Thy Kingdom Come

Unity consciousness is here, my Higher and Lower Selves are merging as One

Thy will be done on Earth as it is in Heaven

Heaven will be manifest on Earth when I align with the will of my Heart, my True Self. Earth will unify with the higher dimensional realities

Give us this day our daily bread

I invite in and welcome, all the gifts this day has to bring and acknowledge all I need will come to me

And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us

Assist me to notice my thoughts of separated judgement and to love myself for believing a false reality. Assist me to acknowledge when others are doing the same and love them too

And lead us not into temptation

Keep me from listening to the voice of the ego and the distractions it creates to keep me from my True Purpose

But deliver us from evil

Keep me from buying into and acting upon, the judgements that separate me

For Thine is the Kingdom, the Power and the Glory

My Higher Self is the Source of infinite well-being, power over this man-made world and the success of walking my own talk.

Forever and ever, Amen.

I AM Eternal, So Be It and So It Is.

Channeled through Gillan Shaw 6th of January 2024



Trying to make sense of the chaos in the outer world? Struggling to maintain peace in your personal life as relationships with family, friends, and co-workers seem to be harder than ever?

Join us for 90 minutes of sanctuary where you will be bathed in Divine frequencies of Love to elevate your own level of consciousness. Receive practical guidance to cope with the struggles you face on a global and personal level. You also have the chance to ask questions during the Q&A. Leave feeling a deep sense of Oneness with All.