A Message from the Masters
Dear Ones, Love is the answer to all questions. What Love means to you and what that looks like in your life as you move
A Message from the Masters
Dear Ones, As we come to the end of another year in time, it is a good idea to look back at what you created
A Message from the Masters
Dear and Precious One, Heaven on Earth is already here. How can that Be? The potential for Your Heaven on Earth is here in every
A Message from the Masters
Dear and Precious One, Here we are again. Together. In Truth we are never apart. That is your dream and your illusion. Breathe us in,
Wim Hof Breathing
Kick start your day with this 10 min breathing exercise with the dutch Ice Man! Very balancing and rejuvenating… Guided Wim Hof-method breathing
A Message from the Masters
Dear and Precious One, Are you excited about your life? Do you wake up in the morning feeling ready to meet a wonderful day filled